
Ridge Runner

Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2002
Baker wv
couldn't find your thread on kills with APS built firearms so I'm starting one for the season.
Put my 7mm AM down for 2 whitetails 340 and 725 yards, and a coyote at 49 paces.......anybody laughs and they get to do the sewing!
My 6.5-06 AI rolled a Black Bear at 250 yds. in early October. He weighed 325+ pounds with a beautiful coat. I hope to have the story & pics up in the bear hunting section by the end of the year.
Yep, he's around, just busy. Between work and hunting season I'm sure he's been pretty hooked up. I'm sure he'll get back with you soon. He always does.
I am back guys, Hunting season is over here so will be catching up this week and getting back to normal in the shop. I will be responding to e-mails this week as well to catch up on them. Sorry for the delays.

Just to add to the list however, APS 7mm AM (Little Green) scored on a 5x5 mule deer at 680 yards late this week.
put me down for a 523 yard whitetail, I also took a young lady who whacked a whitetail at 575 yards. she says when she gets her collage debt paid off you'll hear from her. yeah yeah, I'll get a pic! my apologies.

Be prepared my APS/RR sponsored community deer hunt occurs tomorow, if I can get there due to weather we're gonna rack'en and stack'em with the kirby special!
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