Is this a Sub-Moa group?


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2008
Eastern Montana - Almost North Dakota
I finally was able to shoot beyond 100 yards. I set up some paper at 300 yards and fired a 3 shot group with the best performing 100 yard load.

This is a 7mm Rem. Mag.

The group measured 1.824"

Is this decent? Is this a sub-MOA group? From what I understand anything under 3" at 300 yards is sub-MOA or am I mistaken?

Thanks for any help.
yes that is very acceptable for a factory rifle and factory ammo. Just ask yourself, will it kill what I am shooting at? That should tell you a lot right there.

I finally was able to shoot beyond 100 yards. I set up some paper at 300 yards and fired a 3 shot group with the best performing 100 yard load.

This is a 7mm Rem. Mag.

The group measured 1.824"

Is this decent? Is this a sub-MOA group? From what I understand anything under 3" at 300 yards is sub-MOA or am I mistaken?

Thanks for any help.

As stated above, yes, it's a submoa group. Now, if you wan to know exactly what the number is in MOA, you do the following:

1.824"/ 1.047 / 3 = 0.581 moa as some one else posted.

Very acceptable indeed for long range shooting if the rifle is capable with the shooter of the kind of consistency.
Buckbrush, What kind of rifle,scope and ammo are you using?

Nothing fancy. 110 Savage action, heavy varmint Shilen barrel, 26" long 1:9 twist. Berger VLD 168's, Rifle Basics trigger, B&C Duramax, Leupold VX-II 6-18 with target knobs. Winchester brass, Federal GM215's and H-1000. Bullet is 0.010" off the lands. Really happy with this gun so far considering what I have into it.

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