importing the .338 EDGE

Clancy sounds like the man. Going to give him a call and start this project. thanx for the imput guys.:D

ps. I was quietly supprised to see that nightforce scopes are still under $1800. That makes the 5.5-22x50 npr1 a good buy in my book. Now i just have to wait the 2 months delivery time.
Well I rang Shaun up early this morning and was informed that my edge was ready and sitting in his safe.
Unfortunately I have been a bit slack with sorting out the paperwork so it has to sit there for a while longer.
Still waiting for my B709 import permit to come back so that I can send it to the state department in the US for the export permit.
Decided to get Shaun to extend the stock for me a bit in the meantime.
I got to see DUH's Edge the other day which is almost identical to mine.
Seeing that made all the money, hassel and time spent waiting seem a lot more worth it.
I ordered mine in August last year which just goes to show how busy he must be.
A testiment to his work I guess.
The state department aproval will be the final hurdle to overcome and I am trying not to let myself get too excited until thats done.
Hey guys,
I see some of you are shooting the EDGE built by Shawn. I am just wondering how much (excluding the rifle cost), how long and how hard was it to get the rifle in country? I was told it was near impossable to import one so i settled and started building a .338 rum. If I am unhappy with the rum I might just buy an EDGE after all, if it's not too hard. What about the dies? Are they anything special or hard to get?

The other thing....
I am considering buying a US Optics scope. I have always used Nightforce and very happy with it. But i see alot of articles saying USO is even better. But why are they? I heard they were so tough that you can drive a nail into wood!! But I own 3 hammers and have never broken a Nightforce, so I need a reason other then this. I dont mind spending the money but I would like to know what I am paying more for. On the USO web it looks like you can customise the scope, but the one I am looking at is not that special, just a different turret and riticle. One would have to presume that the glass and internals are far better then that of the Nightforce. What do you guys think???

I was interested in getting a USO scope sent down under.
A mate of mine had a USO scope fail under warranty in the US.
I heard him say "that getting his issues acknowledged was really difficult and he would not get another one"
It put me off.
Shane Clancy has those Premier Heritage scopes available.
Premier Reticles
I was thinking about that type of scope.
I'll be the first to say I have not handled the USO scope... I think alot of guys love the big elevation dial on the top that has some crazy moa adjustment with one turn.. I think 45 moa ???.

Their glass would be great too.

You would be hard pressed to say better though !

I think the vote would be similiar for both. Lits of fans either way .

Good luck.

NF make one great scope too..

I don't know if this has been said already but theres one for sale on the used guns website

good luck
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