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Impact of bayonet-style chronograph on group size

It's weight on the barrel, it will change the harmonics. Suppressors do they same thing, and a barrel tuner is based on this principle. There's no way I know of other than shooting to determine the actual impact of the changes. If I'm shooting suppressed, I develop the loads with the suppressor on because groupings do change, not just POI, especially with the heavier cans.
I see an impact shift of about an inch or so at 100 but that doesn't bother me too much when doing load development. I'm only looking for a speed node and don't care where or how it groups. But if you do want to shoot groups while checking velocity or if you are shooting a suppressor. Wiser Precision has a carbon fiber rod that allows you to get off the barrel and adapts to a picatinny or arca-swiss rail. Costs about $100, light weight and tool-less. Check it out. https://www.wiserprecision.com/products/chrono-mount
Barrel contour will have an impact here as well. On my target rifle it shoots 1 moa lower but groups are largely the same. On my #2 contour hunting rifle it has more of an impact.

My main concern is just changes from the bayonet shifting I'm the middle of a group. I got a magnetosphere Sporter and live with it's limitations, the lab radar was beyond what I was willing to spend.
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