Idaho Elk Tag 2025 Tex Creek

I'll give you a good hint.

Stop worrying about what other people are going to do. You can't control that.

Get on a map, find elk habitat conducive to the season. That preferred cover, food and water will be probably around a particular elevation band. If not, then they will be in draws, benches and around transitional ranges that support their diet and that other hunters aren't. Study biology reports and behavior information.

Make a plan on that map.
Then make 7 more.

If you skunk out, it shouldn't be from lack of trying or because other people were out hunting. The best kind of tag soup is when you know you did everything you could and you're driving home with no ragrets (regrets).

Idaho zones have a tremendous amount of public land. Get away from the roads. There's no reason to be on top of each other, or copy what isn't working for other people.

Do this and you will have a good time.
That said, if you ask the internet people will say there's no grizzlies in 66…I've seent them. So prepare accordingly.

Well did anyone wait in the mess today? I was fortunate enough to be number 360 in line. Ended up waiting in the checkout area until a Tex Creek A popped up. Snagged it fast. Really wanted Diamond creek but this was a close second. Sooo all that being said, would anyone be willing to to point me in a starting point? I have almost a year to plan this so I'm gonna do everything I can ahead of time to plan this as well as possible! I'll take any advice….even if it's advice telling me there are way too many people and I should try another unit :). Thanks guys!
Gratulation's. I hope you have a great hunt.
I went with Mcall B for elk and 19A for Mule deer. Goal was to get a zone that I could do both and a zone near my brother who lives in Boise. This is my first time hunting in Idaho so I'm just looking for the experience and adventure.
You will get both experience and adventure in that country.

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