Idaho Bull taken with .338RUM and 250 Accubond (pic)


Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2008
Had an amazing hunt on public land in Idaho last week. Very difficult tag to draw, and lots of elk to choose from. Ended up taking this bull at 594 yards with 1 shot from the Remington 700 .338RUM and 250 grain Accubond. Gun is a pretty standard Remington 700 BDL that was accurized at Hill Country Rifles several years ago where they added and bedded the McMillan stock, added a brake, and I installed a jewell trigger. I used a Swarovski 2-12x50 Z6 with tds reticle. One of my hash marks was dialed in for 583 yards, which worked marvelously!

Congrats on the successful hunt. How about some more details to go with that great picture. Whereabouts in ID? What did the bull green score? Story of the hunt - who did you find him; set up for the shot; who helped on the trip? You gotta remember that there are many of us who did not draw out this year so our only fix is to live through those LRH members that actually did.
Good going! Will guess the bull around 250-280? Very warm and dry here in western Idaho. Were they still chasing cows there? Again nice bull for a warm day.
The bull green scored 312 5/8's. It has a broken G4 on the right or it might have gone 320. Lots of 350+ bulls in that country, but I had my 75 year old Dad with me and he had a herniated disc, which meant I had to pack his sleeping bag, mat, food, etc. in along with all of my backpack gear. It was a grueling day getting that bull out of the mountains by myself and I'm glad he was only 2 miles from the truck. I can't post the unit number as I bowhunt it with a few guys who would slit my throat - they invited me in and I'd feel bad if I divulged it on the internet for thousands to see.

I posted the lengthy story (along with pics of the recovered Accubond) for those who like a longer read over on 24hourcampfire. Here's the link: My best bull yet - 2012 Idaho Public land hunt (long) - 24hourcampfire

Good luck to all of you still out chasing elk!
Good going! Will guess the bull around 250-280? Very warm and dry here in western Idaho. Were they still chasing cows there? Again nice bull for a warm day.

The bulls were still rutting hard. The night before the season opened I had 3 herds within a half mile of my camp and they literally would not shut up. I was at 9500 feet and they were in the canyons and draws below me - I would lay there and try to count to 10 and never made it past 8 and I'd hear another bugle. Had a herd almost trample us in my tent at midnight. The bull bugled 10 feet away and I was genuinely scared for my safety. We were camped in the sage and I thought for sure they would trample the tent by accident.
The bulls were still rutting hard. The night before the season opened I had 3 herds within a half mile of my camp and they literally would not shut up. I was at 9500 feet and they were in the canyons and draws below me - I would lay there and try to count to 10 and never made it past 8 and I'd hear another bugle. Had a herd almost trample us in my tent at midnight. The bull bugled 10 feet away and I was genuinely scared for my safety. We were camped in the sage and I thought for sure they would trample the tent by accident.

Had a similar night few years back in unit 18. There was a slight breeze on the ridge where I spent the night and the next morning the horses were a wreck. Nights like that make great memories.
Had an amazing hunt on public land in Idaho last week. Very difficult tag to draw, and lots of elk to choose from. Ended up taking this bull at 594 yards with 1 shot from the Remington 700 .338RUM and 250 grain Accubond. Gun is a pretty standard Remington 700 BDL that was accurized at Hill Country Rifles several years ago where they added and bedded the McMillan stock, added a brake, and I installed a jewell trigger. I used a Swarovski 2-12x50 Z6 with tds reticle. One of my hash marks was dialed in for 583 yards, which worked marvelously!


Is that the same Hill country rifles just north of San Antonio by exit 181? I was thinking about getting a rifle worked on by them but no one I talked to had ever used them. How would you rate their work? What did they do to your rifle?
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