Another avenue to get suppressor legalization passed......
Trust me, P.I.S.S.E.D. OFF is an understatement to how I feel right now... Ryan is a spineless sack of crap RINO. He needs to be the one that gets shelved, not the SHARE Act. Trump needs to stand up and fire that worthless scumbag. Along with Lindsey Graham, Mitch McConnell, John MacCain, and a few other RINOs.Paul Ryan the worthless SOB pinko speaker of the house has shelved the SHARE act. Guess he realized he has more in common with the Clintons than originally thought.
Just to be clear, I am not trying to be insensitive to the victims of the mass shooting on Sunday, but I'm sure most readers on this forum don't need to have the gun control argument explained either.
Suppressor or not. Wouldn't have made a difference in Vegas.