Hornady Superformance and Light mag ammo


Dec 22, 2011
I have a good pile of this ammo for both my 30-06 and my 270. The 30-06 is the old Light mag ammo and, the 270 is the Superformance ammo.

I shot both rifles and chrony'd them. The 30-06 was shooting the 165 gr SST. and 270 was the 130 gr SST.

The 270 clocked in right at advertised speed. the 30-06 actually clocked above what they advertised, (3025 ave).

Has anyone shot this ammo much and what is your experience with it's actual velocities?

FYI, the 30-06 shoots a 1" group at 100 yards out of a custom 24" barrel, The .270 shoots under 1/2 out of a custom 24" barrel.

Thanks for your imput.
I have only shot the Superformance load in my Remington CDL in 280 Rem.. I bought a box just to check it out. I bought the 139 GMX load with a claimed velocity of 3070 ft/sec and found that in my gun with a 24 inch barrel it came very close to the claimed velocity (first shot over my chronograph was 3065 ft/sec). I did not get great accuracy but the velocity was there.
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