6.5 Bandit
Well-Known Member
Incase you are wandering I did shoot that 7mm08 Encore with the 15in bbl and the 243 after you guys left.. And yes they BOTH made it there with ease
.. Well lets say this for the 7 I put on 57 clicks (thats where it ran out) and held right where the green starts on the trees above the back bank and was getting rather close 1-2 ft to the claybirds.. For the 243 that was more like a walk in the park.. Once I seen the dust fly from the first one hit the bank it wasnt to hard to bust a few clays with it.... Yes there was guys watching as well it was Ed Mackrel(?) Not sure if thats his last name or not and his grandson they where the ones spotting for me.. I was suprised that I got 57 clicks out of that little 2-6 Bushnell..
6.5 Bandit
6.5 Bandit