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Hey Boyd

6.5 Bandit

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2003
Elizabethville Pa
Incase you are wandering I did shoot that 7mm08 Encore with the 15in bbl and the 243 after you guys left.. And yes they BOTH made it there with ease
.. Well lets say this for the 7 I put on 57 clicks (thats where it ran out) and held right where the green starts on the trees above the back bank and was getting rather close 1-2 ft to the claybirds.. For the 243 that was more like a walk in the park.. Once I seen the dust fly from the first one hit the bank it wasnt to hard to bust a few clays with it.... Yes there was guys watching as well it was Ed Mackrel(?) Not sure if thats his last name or not and his grandson they where the ones spotting for me.. I was suprised that I got 57 clicks out of that little 2-6 Bushnell..

6.5 Bandit
Sorry I missed ya yesterday. How did you do with your record string? All 10 on? score? group? Hitting clay birds on the bank I bet you did well. Didn't you?
OH! I got all 10 of mine on and srunk my group in half. I will say one thing I have yet to bust a clay bird on the bank so Good on ya!!!
I hope Boyd's winning streek is like the energizer bunny
(just keeps going and going and going)

Boyd, I checked my scope I had 28.25 minuits of angle on my gun. My drop chart calls for 28.2MOA HMMMM Sounds to me your avice is paying off. Thanks for your help again. OH ya got any pics of that 8 inch group ya shot? 2 weeks 6 days to the next shoot BUT who's counting.

[ 05-19-2003: Message edited by: baldeagle713 ]

Well lets say this I should of used the 243 but Boyd talked me out of it lol.
Allthough I cant blame him it was rather windy for that light 87gr bullet.. So to answer your question I dropped the 10 shot off the bottom of the paper.. After talkin with Darryl im gonna try some 142grainers to see if I can get that 6.5 to shoot any better.. I need to change something becouse they are all over the place out there.. But it may not make tha tmuch of a difference I have a feeling that gun is preaty much shot out.. I was talkin with my dad the other day and he corrected me when I thought there was only about 1500 rounds through that gun... he said there is closer to 2000 through it.. So it very well could be shot out.. Its all good though I had a hell of alot of fun and thats the thing that counts...

6.5 Bandit
Glad you had a good time at the match 6.5

That's what it's all about, having fun and watching that bullet travel to the 1000 yard target.

I would try the 142gr bullets and then make a comparison. The old 139 Gr Norma was all the LR boys had to work with for many years and they did not fair to well for 1000 yard match shooting.

With 2000 rounds through ANY 6.5/300 Weatherby, chances are, it is well shot out or on the way to being so.

i didn't want to say anything when spotting for you but, the sighters reflected a major problem when the impacts were all over the target. I was keeping my fingers crossed that you would keep all 10 on paper in the match round.

Maybe next time as I'm sure you will be back.

Nice seeing you.

Here is a question for ya.. Lets say those 142's wont shoot either which I have a feeling they prolly wont but ya never know till ya try.. If they dont ill be ordering something new but I wanna stay with the 6.5's I just dont know what to build.. Ive been thinking about 6.5/264.. What would you recommend me building in another 6.5 Thanks for the input..

6.5 Bandit

[ 05-19-2003: Message edited by: 6.5 Bandit ]
Hello 6.5

If it's being built for Williamsport and you want a 6.5 diameter bore, I would go with the 6.5/284.

You saw how many of them won this weekend and last match there were nine 6.5/284 guns in the shoot-off.

The popularity is certainly growing for the 6.5/284 cartridge and 1000 yard shooting.

Low recoil, no brake needed and lots of good bullets make it a good one.


I think there are one or two others this year.
From what I heard, Ray Carley was working with one as was a few others last year.

I think most have gone to 6.5s though.

If "you" were the ONLY one with one, I would like to see it win.

Glad to hear you had fun and sorry about the tenth one. Glad to hear you had fun. Hope to see ya at the next match. IF ya know any one who would like to buy a Harley Davidson I have one for sale:
New battery, primary drive chain and clutch, fresh inspection tires are in real good shape. 8,000$ If ya know any one send em My way. If ya would please. 50$ to ya if ya send some one who buys it for that price. I gotta Light gun and a heavy gun to build also!

I have been search for ya but havent found anyone yet.. Seems like everyone is hurting for cash around here I sent a email out to our spam list here @ work for ya last week after I got your email but havent gotten any takers so far will let ya know though..

6.5 Bandit
Hello Boyd

In the light guns, I'll bet the 6.5 will be this year.

Numbers do make a differance. If there are 20-- 6.5/284s and 80 or 90 30 cals, the odds are the 30 "SHOULD" do better but, that's not always the case.
If the Hoovers continue as they are now, the 6.5 will most certainly win the agg in Group and score or at least one of those catagories.

Top guns so far are the 6.5/284s for match wins or higher placement in the light gun class.

Not enough of them (6.5) shooting in the heavy gun class "YET".

Time will tell Boyd. I'll bet it won't be a 300 WSM that wins the top spot---wanna bet????

well I was thinking about goin with the 6.5/284 but here is what im dealing with.. For 1 I dont have a whole lot of "extra" money and im lookin to build it on the same action and stock I curently have yes I could stay with another 6.5/300 but I want something a little diffenrent then what I have been shooting.. So I was thinking of the 6.5/264 that way I could use the same bolt im using now.. Or to get off the belted mag I could use the 300WSM but then I would need to buy a reamer as well.. See my dad thinks he has dies for the 6.5/264 so if he does then that will save some money as well.. There is just to many choices lol..

6.5 Bandit
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