Welp primitive season is bout to open up here in the bayou state and Mississippi. After checking my trail cams im seeing the big boys are showing up rite at dusk an dawn at the feeders. Currently im using a leupold 3x9 vx2. Its not cutting it in this time of day. My $$ range is up to $1500 maybe a lil more. Sfp is a must and up to 18-20 mag would b nice for some long powerline shots i could take. Also i have a razor gen 2 on another rifle i use for target an sat in my stand looking at them big boys at dusk an wasnt too impressed. They like to hang out rite in the shadows in the treeline edge of the food plot next to the corn feeder. Yall know how that goes lol so i guess im picky with scopes but any help is much appreciated