BUllet bumper, some Texans would be happy to trade with you.
I reckon some might but after a few years in Australia any gun owner would want to go back as fast as he could . You can't buy anything much at all here and everything is illegal , law abiding gun owner are treated like criminals . Any Policeman has the power to consider any gun owner as " unfit " and take your guns away , without charge ,without trial , without committing any offence . It's worse than living in Russia . It's a hell hole of stress and worry for a gun owner because some Police are bad eggs and fanatically anti gun . Australia all seems wonderful on the surface but once you get below that thin veneer of pseudo Democracy it is in reality for gun owners a Police state . You get along ok if you do exactly as you are told by the state and don't answer back . If you have even a slight argument with anyone , even your wife and a neighbour rings the Police they will take away your guns sometimes for just 21 days and sometimes you have to get a lawyer to get them back . Even though no one is hurt and no one is making any charge or complaint . I know exactly how Jews in Germany felt and how some black people feel that suffer discrimination .
My mother was an American and born in Hood River OR . I would love to get out of this fascist **** hole and live in the US . You don't realise how much you value some freedoms until they are taken away . The US has it's problems but it's the only place people stand up for their freedoms and I have a tremendous respect for that. Unfortunately the rest of my family don't own any guns and don't see or feel the oppression so their Australia is ok for them for now .
If I was single and had no kids or grandchildren to consider I would be out of here as quick as I can . If I could not afford the US I might go to New Zealand they still have some rights or maybe a South American country . Maybe even Israel if they would take me as I am not a Jew but I know exactly how it feels to be oppressed .
If you are a tree hugging , pot smoking greenie with left wing links that thinks the state is god then come to Australia you will think it is wonderful .
If you value freedom , right to choice and free speach don't come.