Hello from Afghanistan!


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2009
Hello fellow shooters! I am currently a civilian contractor working in Afghanistan. I am new to LRH, but not new to shooting.

First learned about LRH from some posts on Graybeard's forums. I really enjoy reading the forums and articles here and hope to draw upon the knowledge and experience available here to improve my shooting skills.

Because of my location, I obviously don't get much trigger time these days. Still, I can read and dream and plan for when I am home, hence my username-- benchracer. I can build rifles, handload ammo, and hunt game over and over again in my mind's eye. Thanks to all of you for supplying the ideas and food for thought!
Hello fellow shooters! I am currently a civilian contractor working in Afghanistan. I am new to LRH, but not new to shooting.

First learned about LRH from some posts on Graybeard's forums. I really enjoy reading the forums and articles here and hope to draw upon the knowledge and experience available here to improve my shooting skills.

Because of my location, I obviously don't get much trigger time these days. Still, I can read and dream and plan for when I am home, hence my username-- benchracer. I can build rifles, handload ammo, and hunt game over and over again in my mind's eye. Thanks to all of you for supplying the ideas and food for thought!

Welcome to LRH and stay safe.

I could get plenty of trigger time over their:D

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