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Hello all from Tucson AZ


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
Tucson, Arizona
Hi all, my mame is Luis and I'm in warm Tucson AZ.

I grew up in Old Mexico and my dad was able to get me hunting at an early age. I was 8 when I shot my first Javelina and I was 9 when I got my first desert mulie. We did way more hunting when we lived there than now that I live in the US.

I grew up shotting Smallbore and Highpower Silhouette and was part of the bunch of shooters that went from using 308's to 7x08 in highpower silhouette and since then I've been loyal to the 7mm calibers. Most of my hunting was done with an old Sako 7x08 that my godfather gave me, I've also hunted with 270 Win, 280 Rem and now I mostly use a 7mm Rem Mag that I got about 3 years ago.

A few 2 years ago my brother and I acquired about 4,000 7mm bullets and another 4,000 for of 22 cal for a smoking deal. We got this for use on my 7x08's and also my brother's 7mm SAUM, so it made sense to me to get my bigger gun in a 7mm caliber.

I mostly hunt Coues Deer, Mule Deer and Javelina. I like to hit the range at least once a month or more if possible.

I have loads set up for our 7x08's, my wife's and my Rem 700 that we use for hunting, and also for the one I use for Silhouette. I have most all loads set up my my 7 Mag, except for the 160 and 162 gr bullets, just need to do more testing on those.

My current max shooting distance I allow myself to shoot when hunting is 500 meters and plan to extend it in the future, but that's my max for now and haven't had the need for more than that.

I also have fun shooting my AR in .223 and handguns. Also enjoy hunting small game, dove, quail, and predators as well. For the exception of the predators, everything else I hunt I eat, otherwise we don't shot it.

Hope to meet some good people here and enjoy your day

Beat regards

New guy here as well, but up in Chandler. I think they hold hunting style rifle competitions at either Phoenix Rod & Gun Club or Ben Avery every once in awhile. Bit of a drive, but might be worth checking out. :)
Hi all, my mame is Luis and I'm in warm Tucson AZ.

I grew up in Old Mexico and my dad was able to get me hunting at an early age. I was 8 when I shot my first Javelina and I was 9 when I got my first desert mulie. We did way more hunting when we lived there than now that I live in the US.

I grew up shotting Smallbore and Highpower Silhouette and was part of the bunch of shooters that went from using 308's to 7x08 in highpower silhouette and since then I've been loyal to the 7mm calibers. Most of my hunting was done with an old Sako 7x08 that my godfather gave me, I've also hunted with 270 Win, 280 Rem and now I mostly use a 7mm Rem Mag that I got about 3 years ago.

A few 2 years ago my brother and I acquired about 4,000 7mm bullets and another 4,000 for of 22 cal for a smoking deal. We got this for use on my 7x08's and also my brother's 7mm SAUM, so it made sense to me to get my bigger gun in a 7mm caliber.

I mostly hunt Coues Deer, Mule Deer and Javelina. I like to hit the range at least once a month or more if possible.

I have loads set up for our 7x08's, my wife's and my Rem 700 that we use for hunting, and also for the one I use for Silhouette. I have most all loads set up my my 7 Mag, except for the 160 and 162 gr bullets, just need to do more testing on those.

My current max shooting distance I allow myself to shoot when hunting is 500 meters and plan to extend it in the future, but that's my max for now and haven't had the need for more than that.

I also have fun shooting my AR in .223 and handguns. Also enjoy hunting small game, dove, quail, and predators as well. For the exception of the predators, everything else I hunt I eat, otherwise we don't shot it.

Hope to meet some good people here and enjoy your day

Beat regards

Welcome I am in Sauhuarita az please pm me
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