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Have good excuse for new elk rifle!


Oct 13, 2009
Southern Ohio
(Second post) To reprise my intro post, I have two main hunting rifles: Winchester 70 Classic Featherweight 6.5x55 and Remington 700 BDL 7 mm Mag. I am giving the 7 mm to my brother to entice him to the Rockies for an elk hunt. So I "need" a new rifle. Yes, I know I can kill an elk with my Swede, but it's a little light, and this really is about rationalizing a new rifle. I was ready to get a .338, kill elk far away, and hunt big bears in Alaska. Then I checked the price on bear hunts. Got the dough, but I can take several nice guided elk hunts for the price of that rug, and hunting the wapiti in the Rockies is as good as it gets IMHO. So, this is a "mountain rifle". Light rifle is good--I love the Winchester (late New Haven) and I hear good things about the FN rifles. They do not offer it in 7 Mag, my standard for elk. They do offer .270 WSM, .300 WSM, and .300 Win Mag. Opinions? Actual experience? I'm sure all of the above will kill elk at 400 yards, and I will not take a longer shot. The odd choice is a Weatherby Ultralight, and to get the lightest (<6 lb) I could go with a .280 Remington. Not quite 7 Mag power, but looks like a nice 7 mm round. And that expensive Weatherby looks like the cat's a.. I reload and love to tinker. What say you?
Must have been a boring post. I'll try again. My brother has the 7 mm and is happy. I looked at a Browning X-Bolt--certainly not traditional like the Model 70, but I think I like it. I looked at Weatherby Mark V's--very pretty, kinda heavy, do they still make the Ultralite? Came home and looked at my Model 70--looks old fashioned (just like a Mauser), but so am I. No opinions? The X-Bolt is "Made in Japan"! Doesn't that stir anyone? My Dad would roll in his grave. Tell me I shouldn't get a glass bedded, free floated, light, tang safety, Japanese, X-Bolt.
man you could get thousands of opinions on this. What it comes down to is which rifle fits you the best. Handle them all and get the one that feels the best. I find nothing wrong with the Xbolt but I don't have one so can't recommend it. I am a Mod70 guy from way back but I have started leaning more toward having them built.

All of that being said, I would go with another 7, possibly in 7WBY, 7 ultra or 7STW. I can't totally get on the 30 is better bandwagon. I am extremely partial to the 7STW and it does a very good job on elk way over yonder. And you can take the same gun put some 140's in it and it does a good job on antelope way over there. I think it really needs a longer barrel of no less than 28". Just my opinion though.
Must have been a boring post. I'll try again. My brother has the 7 mm and is happy. I looked at a Browning X-Bolt--certainly not traditional like the Model 70, but I think I like it. I looked at Weatherby Mark V's--very pretty, kinda heavy, do they still make the Ultralite? Came home and looked at my Model 70--looks old fashioned (just like a Mauser), but so am I. No opinions? The X-Bolt is "Made in Japan"! Doesn't that stir anyone? My Dad would roll in his grave. Tell me I shouldn't get a glass bedded, free floated, light, tang safety, Japanese, X-Bolt.

I'll chime in with the conventional wisdom...why limit yourself to rifles for which there are few aftermarket parts? There are so many Remington 700s and Savages to choose from.
I reload and love to tinker. What say you?

Sounds like you have the makings of a Savage junkie?? Buy a Stevens in 7Mag and have at it!!! Dont like the stock, barrel or calibar...No problem =change it out yourself.
Howdy Bill,
Welcome. I got a bit of a chuckle from your post...yawn. Fact is, it was just too friendly and easy going to elicit much response. Nothing controversial....Just a reasonable guy wanting to talk about his next rifle a bit. Not overly particular about caliber, not wanting long range, just a nice, handy rifle. Truth is nobody pays much attention to that stuff around here. If you want a conversation, you gotta ask what it takes to kill elk at long range (you'll be sorry). Or, you can just go do it, like Shawn at 1300+ yards, or Jim at 1400ish (or even me). Talk, talk, talk...

Back to your topic. If I wanted a rifle like you described I'd look at a couple options. My first choice would be to have something built just how I like (once you start having 'em built it's hard to go back). Next, I'd look at a Sako 75 (always liked those, should be a few still available). Finally, I'd pick the Remington or Savage which was closest to my desires. As a tinkerer and a do it myself guy, Savage is really bringing a lot to the table these days. Remington is hard to beat too.

I was a model 70 fan myself for some time. Sad to see them go. But missing them is a waste. The FN seemed overpriced last I read, and no 7rem?.

As for caliber, it's hard to go wrong. 280AI, 284, 7WSM, depending on what was available in the rifle I liked. And wether or not you want a brake. I own a 7WSM, 7Rem, and a 7Dakota.

Enjoy the shoppin'.
Must have been a boring post. I'll try again. My brother has the 7 mm and is happy. I looked at a Browning X-Bolt--certainly not traditional like the Model 70, but I think I like it. I looked at Weatherby Mark V's--very pretty, kinda heavy, do they still make the Ultralite? Came home and looked at my Model 70--looks old fashioned (just like a Mauser), but so am I. No opinions? The X-Bolt is "Made in Japan"! Doesn't that stir anyone? My Dad would roll in his grave. Tell me I shouldn't get a glass bedded, free floated, light, tang safety, Japanese, X-Bolt.

Yuk, no way!! . Ruger stainless Hawkeye in 7 mag. That's the ticket for ya. !
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