Hammer bullets WTH

Counter sinking the turquoise tip with the hollow point would aid the tip in penetration but reduce angular force leading to less expansion in my opinion.
Not all expectations are the same from person to person, one can see a failure while another is seeing exactly what they want. Many bullets out there, find what does what you want and rock on!

Does not sound like there was a failure to function but a failure to meet expectation which is very subjective!
I agree, so what your expectations of any particular bullet?
I think when people blame the bullet it is actually shot placement more often than n

1) There is often more to learn from failures than success.
2) Success is not simply defined as a dead critter.
3) With respect to evaluating bullet design, it is not just did the animal die but did the bullet perform the way it was designed and if not you have to look at the specifics and the details of each incident -type of failure, impact velocity, shot angle etc.
4) If we have enough incidents with details and specifics we will likely see patterns of failures for a particular bullet or even category of design.
5) The analysis of those patterns will lead to a better body of knowledge for bullet design.
well said
Obviously, expectations are very individual things but that does not mean that expectations are immune from being unreasonable and I am not saying the OP's expectations are or are not unreasonable. But the key issue (IMHO) is this post is dependent on what those expectations are. (I thoroughly enjoy the various technical discussions of bullet performance and I am going to research more about SG and how it relates to terminal performance). But much of the 10 previous pages are driven by an initial statement related to failed expectations and we don't know what they were with any specificity.

The first shot in the video linked occurs ~ at the 54 minute mark, the second shot at 54:17 seconds. Note, the moose was on its feet for ~20 seconds after the second shot and for 10 seconds after the 1st huge gush of blood from the side followed by the gush from the nose and mouth (is that performance "below" expectations?). In my opinion, the video indicates the second shot resulted at minimum of massive damage heart and potentially the lungs (lung damaged may have occurred on the first shot allowing for the blood to exits the mouth).

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I agree, so what your expectations of any particular bullet?
I have used a few different monos on game and I have come to expect alot of penetration and unless shooting across the long way, a good sized exit. Exactly what the OP eventually, briefly, described.
This is 11 pages bashing a bullet that is assumed to a fact that it failed for a myriad of reasons. It may or may not be a flawed bullet, that may or may not have killed 2 deer by a guy that may or may not have ever been to Mexico. @tim2446 If you are going to make claims to tarnish someones work and reputation put some effort into it and give some detail and add a picture or two. It's like I just watched a news story on CNN.
I feel sure it's not locking the bolt up if he's shooting critters 2and 3 times in the field

I'm saying I have a very hard time believing that he is being honest about it. I have loaded for 3 different 7 PRC's with the 170 HHT and a bunch of different powders tried. You can't even get close to that velocity.
I had a long throated 7mm Rem mag with the 177gr HH, Rl 26 and a 26" barrel got me to 3173 FPS with a click at the top and ejector print. I think it is doable, (I wouldn't run it). Fast barrel, two firings on brass before they are trashed. If it's strictly a hunting load, why not.
If you're referring to what I think you are, was it ever proven the stability was wrong? I only recall that being pushed as speculation.

If it's not the same guy I'm thinking of, I'd be interested to see that and how it was determined the stability was wrong, at least for my own research on this subject.

The OP also said this was his personal opinion and I never took it as him bashing the company. He was giving his experience and what he decided to do moving forward as a result. I would take it easy with the names and accusations.
No name or accusations meant at all. Just saying that most of us have been shooting heavy for caliber bullets for so long and rightfully so for long range benefits and when people try solids the laws don't apply and they have marginal or poor experiences. There are a ton of good companies now that are pushing the limits and for us to be fair with our assessments of them, we are better suited if we have the proper knowledge to do so. My apologies if it came off wrong.
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