Hammer Bullets Pressure Testing Results

Are you guys using faster burning powders for hammer hunters as well or just the absolute hammers?
Depends on the cartridge. Usually when you look at data powders that are on the faster side of the listed bunch will be in order. If there is plenty of case space with the slower ones they can also perform pretty well. Because the copper bullet is longer and will likely take up extra case space and had lower engraving pressure the slower powders are likely to run out of case space before you can get to pressure.
And all the self proclaimed experts here said I was off the reservation
Not me!
I learnt long ago now that 2 things are necessary for pressure reduction with long bullets, bore rider designs and HBN coating.
I just don't have the need for an expanding copper bullet, my CNC bullets is for smashing steel only. Brass is slipperier than copper too.

So Hodgdon recognizes how bullet design and construction (emphasis added below) can affect load data but yet their load data is quoted as being "absolute". Interesting a powder manufacturer recognizes this and accounts for it.

"All Hodgdon reloading data is generated using industry standardized laboratory equipment and procedures. Over time, ammunition components and even testing procedures can change. As an example, bullet construction continues to evolve and even the most current data may not be applicable to a new bullet design. With the variations and combinations of calibers, powders and components we appreciate how hard it may be to find the exact reload information for a specific combination. For obsolete powders, calibers, and components this is even harder and no current reload data may exist."
This statement by Hodgdon is absolutely laughable!
They DO NOT, and NEVER HAVE made a single kernel of powder!
They buy it, package it and distribute it…PERIOD.
Another thing, their data is sourced ELSEWHERE or from QL…
All the powder with the Extreme brand, H1000 etc, is made here in Australia and always has been, except for the original H4831 that was copied.
All powder lots are tested with a calorimeter bomb, this is NOT the same as a cartridge within a barrel, it tests heat, pressure and time. I have asked for the results, powder amounts used and have been told it is not for public information, it is proprietary and private and will never be released, I was an employee there at the time. So, yes the powder is tested, but not by Hodgdon.

That is getting a bit nebulous and fudge-factory and well beyond the accuracy of the tool. In any case, pick a bullet in GRT which probably has a start pressure around 3k and run your load. Record the velocity and pressure. Now change the start pressure to 1000 or 0 or whatever and get your velocity and pressure. It will be lower. Now increase the charge back up until pressure equal and see velocity. I would bet few 10s of ft-second which is in the noise of velocity variation. Some folks are showing several hundred ft/s difference and showing higher velocity with same powder charge. That is not representative of lower pressures given the relatively small knob dealing with

Do you own pressure testing equipment or do you just tout that a PREDICTION tool is gospel?
Just curious.

This statement by Hodgdon is absolutely laughable!
They DO NOT, and NEVER HAVE made a single kernel of powder!
They buy it, package it and distribute it…PERIOD.
Another thing, their data is sourced ELSEWHERE or from QL…
All the powder with the Extreme brand, H1000 etc, is made here in Australia and always has been, except for the original H4831 that was copied.
All powder lots are tested with a calorimeter bomb, this is NOT the same as a cartridge within a barrel, it tests heat, pressure and time. I have asked for the results, powder amounts used and have been told it is not for public information, it is proprietary and private and will never be released, I was an employee there at the time. So, yes the powder is tested, but not by Hodgdon.

Yeah that's what we were getting at, Folks taking it as the Gospel
Hey guys, If you have less x sectional area across the whole length of the bullet that contacts the lands, and then the barrel rifling, isn't as simple as
the frictional pressure normally lost and converted to heat with normal bullets is just less, so if you had even equal initial pressure, and less friction, velocity would end up being more because friction is less?

If indeed you can even experience lower initial pressures, and then you have less friction, then its a no brainer. You should get higher velocity from a hammer of the same weight if it has less cross section and or less cross section down the whole length of the bullet contacting the rifling.
This statement by Hodgdon is absolutely laughable!
They DO NOT, and NEVER HAVE made a single kernel of powder!
They buy it, package it and distribute it…PERIOD.
Another thing, their data is sourced ELSEWHERE or from QL…
All the powder with the Extreme brand, H1000 etc, is made here in Australia and always has been, except for the original H4831 that was copied.
All powder lots are tested with a calorimeter bomb, this is NOT the same as a cartridge within a barrel, it tests heat, pressure and time. I have asked for the results, powder amounts used and have been told it is not for public information, it is proprietary and private and will never be released, I was an employee there at the time. So, yes the powder is tested, but not by Hodgdon.

Where in their statement do they say they make powder? I also don't see where they say they don't source their information elsewhere?

What makes their statement laughable?
Do you own pressure testing equipment or do you just tout that a PREDICTION tool is gospel?
Just curious.

No and No. However if you do not view the GRT tool nor the work the gent Steve quoted is doing as credible then what is the point of this whole post to show hammers have lower start pressure.

And when I tell folks QL don't work with Hammers I always get the same response " Well they put it in there so it's right"
Seems like w this new data, one ought into QL and change the initial pressure to 1400 or 1500 range and then history match using that to actual chrono velocities. I bet it would be fairly easy to make it all track.
No and No. However if you do not view the GRT tool nor the work the gent Steve quoted is doing as credible then what is the point of this whole post to show hammers have lower start pressure.


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