H.R. 127 Gun Control


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2020
Northern Minnesota
Not sure how many have heard of this but I thought I'd post. I've attached a link to sign a petition if interested. If nothing else, it's good to know what's happening and pass along. Maybe write your congressman.

As with most bills, it may get attached to something less volatile and not get noticed. If this ever passes, we best hope it's a shell of what is being introduced.
I sent the letter anyway, thanks for posting this. Bill requires psych exam for everyone who possesses guns and/or ammunition and also requires psych exam of at least two family members or "associates" such as the Shrink deems necessary! This also includes ex-spouses.
Yes I will.

Someone mentioned to me the other day that some states are starting legislation that will directly oppose any federal legislation that is passed. I guess it would be similar to how marijuana is legal in some states, for pack of better comparison.

Any knowledge on this? I'm in Utah and haven't heard anything about our state doing it.
I haven't heard much about any of the states. Living in Minnesota, our gun rights are always on the fence. It's a liberal state but the Northern portion is still pretty conservative. Hunting and shooting is fairly popular throughout. I won't hold my breath for MN to oppose a Federal ban.
I wouldn't think so. Everything disappeared before the election.

I am worried that the people who buy everything up and resell it at incredibly high prices are an impetus to this congress passing some type of insanely high tax bill like they have in the works. They'll realize people are willing to pay unreasonable prices for ammo and they'll decide they need a piece of that pie if they can't ban all the things they want to.
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