Custom build by Area 419, and I really don't want to sell but I am helping a family member go on a trip with a loan so I am trying to sell some guns (check out my other listings). 300 documented rounds, and I will provide load data for buyer, but here's a secret, it loves plain janel Hornady 140gr BTHP... I was working up load data for something special and this gun was just hammering the best groups of my life w/42gr H4350 and 140gr BTHP so I didn't touch it.
- GAP Tempest Action with Ion bonded bolt & 20MOA rail.
- Bartlein 24" M24 barrel 1:7" twist, w/blended Area 419 brake and spiral flutes.
- Manners T4A Folder w/mini-chassis (standard fill) + Atlas rail.
*The barreled action and stock was sent to Manners and custom fitted/molded to fill gaps and milled to accept the Tempest hangers and timney trigger. The action was then bedded in
the mini-chassis. The stock fits like a glove.
- Timney Calvin Elite two stage.
asking $3400
* Bipod ///optics suite not included
- GAP Tempest Action with Ion bonded bolt & 20MOA rail.
- Bartlein 24" M24 barrel 1:7" twist, w/blended Area 419 brake and spiral flutes.
- Manners T4A Folder w/mini-chassis (standard fill) + Atlas rail.
*The barreled action and stock was sent to Manners and custom fitted/molded to fill gaps and milled to accept the Tempest hangers and timney trigger. The action was then bedded in
the mini-chassis. The stock fits like a glove.
- Timney Calvin Elite two stage.
asking $3400
* Bipod ///optics suite not included