Full length sizing trouble


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2022
Hey guys,
This is my first attempt at full length sizing so don't burn me down too bad here…

Equipment used:
RCBS Rock chucker
Hornady One shot spray lube
Redding FL die (expander removed)
6.5 prc ADG brass

Here's a list of my issues:
First off it seems like the amount of pressure needed to press the brass is varying a lot, some pieces seem to go in without effort, and other take a great deal of force.
Secondly: my sizing is very inconsistent, probably a variance of .005

Thanks for any advice, again, I'm brand new at this so give me a break.
I've noticed what your saying a bit more with 6.5 prc I reloaded for a friend. It was all Hornady brass and mostly Hornady ammunition but there was one box of some custom ammunition that was pushing 156 bergers pretty fast and that stuff was a bear to get resized. I will double stroke the press on cartridges like that not completely bringing the mandrel out. Carlos88 has it right that it will help on the next go round if you don't push them too much. This has been my experience anyways. Short mags can be stubborn as well. Hope that helps
Thanks y'all, got it figured out. Next question is what do I do with the brass that has a shoulder bump of .005 shorter than the rest? Can I do a 10 shot ladder test with it or will that vary with differing shoulder bump lengths?
Thanks y'all, got it figured out. Next question is what do I do with the brass that has a shoulder bump of .005 shorter than the rest? Can I do a 10 shot ladder test with it or will that vary with differing shoulder bump lengths?
Use cheaper/easier to find powder and cheaper bullets and just fire form them and try again. That difference in bump (internal case volume) will be just enough to create a higher velocity compared to others and will compromise your load development if used in the same string.
I use Hornady one shot as well (some people love it some people hate it )start with the basics shake the can very well spray downward on an angle from both sides
when i do a ladder i like to shoot a couple shots 3-5 on a clean cold bore before i start, never start a ladder with a cold clean bore. this is the best use of your short cases, load them at your start charge and get things warmed up.

I do the same thing with new brass to fireform a few every time i go to the range and then put them aside till i new more brass
If this was factory Once fired brass it's hard to believe it didn't expand enough if it was fired from your rifle. Work the bolt empty and then work it with with a once fired and sized and try and feel if there's some resistance and get some measurements and write them down for record. Also when setting up the die, make sure you've got It tight down on the stroke with a good amount of repeatable pressure to avoid variance. Also if your not annealing, keep the brass sorted with how many firings and definitely sort out different brands. I will sometimes do velocity ladder with new brass that's in the .005-.008 short but know that I will be backing off a grain or 2. Like can1010 says, I'll stick the shorter or not perfect rounds to the side and use them for barrel fowling or if I'm fire forming I'll practice with them off my tripod etc. They can be plenty accurate but will vary in velocity but still plenty good enough for tripod distances while standing. Off hand as well. Hope this helps
I wouldn't mix the short stuff in a 10 shot ladder for velocity test. I also like to use 2 shot strings for velocity and like to see how they print on paper
I might have said this before here, but here it goes. You shouldn't just raise the brass into the die and pull it out right away, leave it in for a bit and see if it works for you, it does for me. Also The one shot lube needs to mixed well. I use Hornady unique lube. Dab it on your index finger and evenly spread it on you thumb and middle finger and then apply to the case..... a very thin film. Leave it off the shoulder. If you use a standard FL die with a expander ball, lube the ball as well. Brush out the inside of the necks well too.
>what do I do with the brass that has a shoulder bump of .005 shorter than the rest? Can I do a 10 shot ladder test with it or will that vary with differing shoulder bump lengths?<

You said your a beginner reloader,.005"? ..... Choot It. Segregate it into its own pile and shoot your ladder. Its a good data point for your education. Good luck on the journey, its great.
For me , on my presses, I always put a cheater on the handles ,
( a piece of aluminum thin wall pipe ,slipped over the handle to make it a foot longer than the original one )
Then apply even slow pressure.
For case lube , for me rolling the brass on a foam pad works better than spraying them .
Don't forget to lock down the ring on the die, if not it gets loose real quick , then the inconsistency.