Well-Known Member
For Sale - Custom 7 STW
- Whitworth / Interarms Action
- 25" sporter weight barrel
- High Tech stock
- Tasco 6x24 scope ( duplex with mil dots ) Leupold base and rings
I took this gun on a trade, so no guess at round count. It shoots under an inch with factory ammo. Will do FTF or ship to your FFL from my FFL.
Asking $650.00 or will consider trade of equal value.
- Whitworth / Interarms Action
- 25" sporter weight barrel
- High Tech stock
- Tasco 6x24 scope ( duplex with mil dots ) Leupold base and rings
I took this gun on a trade, so no guess at round count. It shoots under an inch with factory ammo. Will do FTF or ship to your FFL from my FFL.
Asking $650.00 or will consider trade of equal value.