For ALL the bad juju going on around us today ...


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2008
Great Falls, MT


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That's what the folks in Germany thought in 1931 --------

We best be careful. Remember, Lincoln only surrendered his powers because he was a good guy. Nobody could have forced him to.
Me, I pray for better clarity, that I be a better husband and father, and that God's will be done.
Then I prepare for the worst. Wife and I think it will get worse. Not necessarily via rioting.
These are kids, albeit useful idiots, throwing tantrums. I think the bigger problem is, what has become of our government and leaders?
I was born to older parents. When LA Riots were happening, I asked my mom how she approached the riots in the 60's and all the wackiness of society. Her reply was pretty dry, "although they were only a mile from our house, this wasn't much in the bigger picture. In the forties, boys I went to high school with and all the towns around us were coming home in boxes by the hundreds."
Sadly, America has become a place that I don't recognize when compared to the values taught to me by my parents. We need to take it back, but I believe the pendulum will swing a fair bit more left before we see it coming back.
There was looting about 2 blocks from where I live. On one night when it was going off, I locked my screen door so I would hear anyone messing with it and then I sat by it armed.

Luckily our looters haven't turned in to home invasion robbers yet.

They were interested in stickin' it to the man by looting a smoke shop and a sneaker store...
Well the Corona Virus lockdown killed a friend of mine.

Not a close friend but a pretty good guy, a roommate to a couple of my other friends.

He had money troubles and a drinking problem. The lockdown gave him the opportunity to lean in to his drinking and he was found dead yesterday.

So I have lost one friend to the lockdown but I don't know anyone who has died from the virus...

If anyone reading this has an unhealthy lifestyle and the lockdown is making it worse, talk to your friends, go for a walk, try to make healthy choices.

But first, end this **** lockdown.
We lost my wife's mother and brother during this Covid BS. We couldn't visit or see either one during their sickness so they died alone. This is the worse part of the covid lockdown. A mother spends her life caring for her children and they cannot be at her side at on her last days. She looked at us thru a window outside and having a bit of dimentia, she probably couldn't figure out why we wouldn't or couldn't be with her or hug her. Now with this rioting and craziness going on, we're headed into a new chapter of ugly. I'd say we need some relief, good news, opportunity and healing. Problem is, I cannot see light at the end of the tunnel. I threw away all the 2020 calenders in our house. I told the wife let's focus on 2021 and bury this year. Stay focused on the future not the past.
We lost my wife's mother and brother during this Covid BS. We couldn't visit or see either one during their sickness so they died alone. This is the worse part of the covid lockdown. A mother spends her life caring for her children and they cannot be at her side at on her last days. She looked at us thru a window outside and having a bit of dimentia, she probably couldn't figure out why we wouldn't or couldn't be with her or hug her. Now with this rioting and craziness going on, we're headed into a new chapter of ugly. I'd say we need some relief, good news, opportunity and healing. Problem is, I cannot see light at the end of the tunnel. I threw away all the 2020 calenders in our house. I told the wife let's focus on 2021 and bury this year. Stay focused on the future not the past.
Sorry for your loss
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