Fast Twist Barrels

Bartlein Barrels should do the trick. You be able to get in any length up to 32" or weight. It's about 4 months to get the barrel or barrels. You can special order out to 32" in length, if wanted. Barlein has come out with a Metal Grade 400MODBB here as of late, that they say will double the life of the barrel. The other is my custom rifle builder like to have them longer to cut back so to start with and as your chamber burns out you can cut back at both ends instead of getting a new barrel. something to think about anyway.
Wondering where to find a 7 twist .277 barrel. I've been looking around but can't find one. I want to be able to use some of the heavy Hammer Hunters, and they need a twist faster than I can seem to find. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Call Bartlein they will make whatever twist you want. I ordered a 7 twist 7mm barrel so I could shoot Sierra 197 match kings Lance
Wondering where to find a 7 twist .277 barrel. I've been looking around but can't find one. I want to be able to use some of the heavy Hammer Hunters, and they need a twist faster than I can seem to find. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Wondering where to find a 7 twist .277 barrel. I've been looking around but can't find one. I want to be able to use some of the heavy Hammer Hunters, and they need a twist faster than I can seem to find. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.



Here's the entrance and exit on a 500+ pound nilgai in Texas last week. 270 Weatherby mag with 117 Hammer Hunters at 480 yards. They shoot very well and perform like a much heavier bullet. Not to mention, at 3480fps they are lasers. I get the fact that the heavier hammer will give you more effective range, but the little 117's are pretty deadly. Good luck on finding the barrel your looking for and please let us know what you're able to find.


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Yeah I'd call bartlein. They can do probably anything.
Well they can double the life of 6 and 6.5 barrels with their 'Metal Grade 400MODBB' and they still will do this.

So yeah I'd call Bartlein for a fast twist accurate .277.


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I had a 29 inch Heavy Hart Barrel , made with an 8 twist put on a 98 Mauser Action, chambered in .270 Win, custom Long Throat to allow me to seat the 150 grn. Nosler Accubond LR and the Berger 170 Grn way out . Single shot only of course. It shoots the 150 Grn AB LR very well at 300 Yards. Under 1 MOA. Using H 4831 with Win LR Primers. I will try the 170 Berger's this spring. By the way , My factory Stock Weatherby Mark V Deluxe in 270 Weatherby Mag .has a 10 twist, and shoot the 150 Grn Nosler AB LR really well.
If you are going to shoot monos there is no need to worry about tearing the jacket off so get a faster twist than what you think because most listings are the MINIMUM to stabilize the bullet. I run a 7 twist 300 RUM with the 227 grain Hammer and it performs fabulously.(exit pic at 987 yards).
All the companies listed can make any twist you want but the wait time may be ~a year with the current demand, they aren't interested slowing production for one off items. I had a 6 twist .243 barrel in 8 weeks from a smaller manufacturer.


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Sure looks like it blood shot a lot of meat. I not sure if I would use the bullets. It's a fine line exploding and creating enough damage to put the animal down. Well I will have to way that when I get there with with hammer bullets. I do like the picture in showing what was done to the animal at that yardage.
Sure looks like it blood shot a lot of meat. I not sure if I would use the bullets. It's a fine line exploding and creating enough damage to put the animal down. Well I will have to way that when I get there with with hammer bullets. I do like the picture in showing what was done to the animal at that yardage.
The Hammers don't explode, they shed Petals and the Shank continues on pulling the petals with it, What your seeing as far as "Blood Shot" is the Hydro Static shock from the speed of the bullet and IMO it's minimal and well worth it knowing that the bullet will do the same exact thing every time no matter where the animal is hit
The Hammers don't explode, they shed Petals and the Shank continues on pulling the petals with it, What your seeing as far as "Blood Shot" is the Hydro Static shock from the speed of the bullet and IMO it's minimal and well worth it knowing that the bullet will do the same exact thing every time no matter where the animal is hit
Bean said it well. Hammers do very little meat damage and have exceptional terminal performance. If you're looking for more effective range the heavier bullet will give you that but will have to be spun faster. To each their own. One thing to keep in mind with all mono bullets is the speed at impact needs to always be the determining factor on effective killing range for optimal performance.
Look: I ran by certain standard on what I want the bullet to do or not do. At that range I would say it did it's job. For one I don't use target bullets for hunting and those aren't. Most of my rifles that I use are running around 3200 to 3300 pfs with different bullets and powder loads for hunting. I am simple stating what I see for my own use, and requirements. I can see that that animal probable didn't run if any, and it when down in one shot. So good shooting, and good hunting. The rifle that I am having built, I have 100gr Hammer Hunter Bullets for it. It's is for Varmints mostly, but I'll see how it does on deer and antelope at longer yards. I am not trying to get into a fight about it either. Some people are thin skin.
Look: I ran by certain standard on what I want the bullet to do or not do. At that range I would say it did it's job. For one I don't use target bullets for hunting and those aren't. Most of my rifles that I use are running around 3200 to 3300 pfs with different bullets and powder loads for hunting. I am simple stating what I see for my own use, and requirements. I can see that that animal probable didn't run if any, and it when down in one shot. So good shooting, and good hunting. The rifle that I am having built, I have 100gr Hammer Hunter Bullets for it. It's is for Varmints mostly, but I'll see how it does on deer and antelope at longer yards. I am not trying to get into a fight about it either. Some people are thin skin.
Absolutely and that's why it's great to have so many options. For short to mid rang a good mono like Hammers are great but for ELR the thin jacket lead core with high bc's are going to shine.
Look: I ran by certain standard on what I want the bullet to do or not do. At that range I would say it did it's job. For one I don't use target bullets for hunting and those aren't. Most of my rifles that I use are running around 3200 to 3300 pfs with different bullets and powder loads for hunting. I am simple stating what I see for my own use, and requirements. I can see that that animal probable didn't run if any, and it when down in one shot. So good shooting, and good hunting. The rifle that I am having built, I have 100gr Hammer Hunter Bullets for it. It's is for Varmints mostly, but I'll see how it does on deer and antelope at longer yards. I am not trying to get into a fight about it either. Some people are thin skin.
No body is thin skinned at all, I'm just stating what I know
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