Fast Twist Barrels


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2012
Wondering where to find a 7 twist .277 barrel. I've been looking around but can't find one. I want to be able to use some of the heavy Hammer Hunters, and they need a twist faster than I can seem to find. Any assistance is greatly appreciated.


Those hammer bullets need way to much twist rate ! Even The 126 gr needs a 9 twist.
Unless your your heart is set on hammer bullets why not get a 8 twist barrel and you can shoot 170 elite Berger's , 165 ablr and everything lighter.
170 vld only need a 9 twist to stabilize and have a excellent BC

I checked all the makers I could find and 19 Badger is correct. McGowan has the quickest twist I could find.
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Those hammer bullets need way to much twist rate ! Even The 126 gr needs a 9 twist.
Unless your your heart is set on hammer bullets why not get a 8 twist barrel and you can shoot 170 elite Berger's , 165 ablr and everything lighter.
170 vld only need a 9 twist to stabilize and have a excellent BC

I checked all the makers I could find and 19 Badger is correct. McGowan has the quickest twist I could find.
When I rebarel my 270wby it will be an 8tw. Will take it to another level...
When I rebarel my 270wby it will be an 8tw. Will take it to another level...
I have a 30" Lilja 1:8" 3G on my .270 AI propels the 175 Matrix VLD at 2993 FPS (my current accuracy load) with H4831SC. I got near 3100 FPS, but the group started opening up as well as pressure. Some are claiming ~100 FPS more with RL26.
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The 156HH will do fine with 1:8 and from everything posted they seem to perform well on game above their weight class. I am building a .270Win 1:8 right now and will shoot the 156HH, 170EOL, 165ABLR (if it shoots well enough). The 1:8 will likely shoot quite a few standard cup core 130-160 class bullets just as well as the 1:10 or even better.
Those hammer bullets need way to much twist rate ! Even The 126 gr needs a 9 twist.
Unless your your heart is set on hammer bullets why not get a 8 twist barrel and you can shoot 170 elite Berger's , 165 ablr and everything lighter.
170 vld only need a 9 twist to stabilize and have a excellent BC

I checked all the makers I could find and 19 Badger is correct. McGowan has the quickest twist I could find.
I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say if he wanted to shoot Bergers he wouldn't be looking for a 7 twist tube, Just Sayin
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