Fast twist 22-250


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2009
South Central PA
Does anyone know of or use a fast twist 22-250. I got a 7 twist on the way to me but i cant find much information for the 80-90g bullets in the 22-250. What are you useing for powder and what speeds are you getting. How far have you shot it accurately? Just about anything you can tell me would be helpful. If you dont have one what do you think about this calliber with this twist rate? Most in this caliber are limited to 40-60g bullets but with this you can shoot up to 90g. Anyway thanks for any info.

I have one. Its a great chambering mines an 8 twist and it shoots the Berger 80gr the best. I'm using xbr8208. I'll probaly rebarrel with a 6.5 twist after this years praire dog trip and set it up for 90gr pills. It's a great performer on pdogs if winds an issue and the 223's aren't cutting it. Have shot a couple deer with it also with the 60gr partitions and they do quite well too!
I have one. Its a great chambering mines an 8 twist and it shoots the Berger 80gr the best. I'm using xbr8208. I'll probaly rebarrel with a 6.5 twist after this years praire dog trip and set it up for 90gr pills. It's a great performer on pdogs if winds an issue and the 223's aren't cutting it. Have shot a couple deer with it also with the 60gr partitions and they do quite well too!

Thanks Steve. What speed do you get with the 80g Bergers? Also why a 6.5 twist Berger says that the 7 will work with the 90g bullets.

Anybody else have any expierence with one?
I'm running an 8 twist H.S. Precision HTR. H380 is working real well with 69 grain Sierras. Haven't tried the 80 grainers yet but will in the spring.


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Does anyone know of or use a fast twist 22-250. I got a 7 twist on the way to me but i cant find much information for the 80-90g bullets in the 22-250. What are you useing for powder and what speeds are you getting. How far have you shot it accurately? Just about anything you can tell me would be helpful. If you dont have one what do you think about this calliber with this twist rate? Most in this caliber are limited to 40-60g bullets but with this you can shoot up to 90g. Anyway thanks for any info.


My factory rifle is 1:14...but my custom is a 1:9...good for up to 70 grain slugs. Any more than that I switch to my 243
It is a good combo, with a 26" barrel your likely to get 3250 with RE17 and 80grn bergers and around 3100 with H4350 or H414 and 90grn bergers, IMO the only thing you should have done different is went with an ackley improved version because the 22-250 has horrible case stretch and you would have picked up about 100fps.
My cousin shoots a broughton 5c in 1:8 at 26" With 80 gr bergers singing at 3200 fps I have first hand seen him shoot .5" and .75" groups......... at 500 yds. I'll see what his load is, but keep in mind it's hot and needs to be worked up to.
I'm in the process in building a similar rifle. I'm enjoying the information. Keep me posted on results of you reloading and accuracy. I'm looking at a 1 in 7 twist on a 30 inch barrel. I'm just about to order my barrel. I think it will be a great setup and extremely accurate.
I'm in the process in building a similar rifle. I'm enjoying the information. Keep me posted on results of you reloading and accuracy. I'm looking at a 1 in 7 twist on a 30 inch barrel. I'm just about to order my barrel. I think it will be a great setup and extremely accurate.

I have a 22-243 1-7 26".
It shoots the 90 Berger .552 G1 @ 31-3300.
It had a 30" barrel & I cut it back to 26" an inch at a time & only lost 17 fps total for 4".
I cut it down to fit a suppressor.
It is happiest @ 31-3200 as the bullets struggle with the fast twist & heat in the barrel causing catastropic core separation.
It is a 0.5 moa rifle most days right out there.

An AI 22-250 would be the way to go over a straight 22-250.
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