Ellis County Oklahoma deer


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2009
Canadian County, Ok.
I got this guy Tuesday morning out in Western Oklahoma. He was hanging with one d doe and four smaller bucks. I was using my 7mm STW, loaded with 140 grain Barnes TTSX bullets that were running 3,303fps. I loaded/used the Barnes bullets on a buddies recommendation and it worked great. The deer was standing broadside at 304 yards and it knocked the fire out of him. The bullet caused about a 2" exit wound and cratered everything in between.


Great buck, congrats! I use Barnes TTSX bullets in a couple hunting rifles and they have been very good to me on whitetails.
I got this guy Tuesday morning out in Western Oklahoma. He was hanging with one d doe and four smaller bucks. I was using my 7mm STW, loaded with 140 grain Barnes TTSX bullets that were running 3,303fps. I loaded/used the Barnes bullets on a buddies recommendation and it worked great. The deer was standing broadside at 304 yards and it knocked the fire out of him. The bullet caused about a 2" exit wound and cratered everything in between.




Those 7mm STWs are a real killer!

You ought to repost this thread in the "7mm STW Brotherhood - For those who shoot the 7mm Shooting Times Westerner" thread. The Brotherhood would love to see these pics!

Warning! This thread is more than 12 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.