Electric Measures and electric scales ?

What heat source for your lead pot?

Propane (1000 gallon tank) until it runs out…..then if the " ship is still on the sand"……. a good ole wood fire! That was sufficient for our forefathers!

I actually think that I have enough cast already to take me a long way…..if they're used judiciously!

Though, casting a few hundred pounds more of bullets wouldn't hurt a thing! 😉 memtb
Once again, I've avoided until now, getting into a conversation. So here goes!

I do not want to have any important aspect (though there are a few) of my life totally dependent upon anything electrical. I'm a bit of a prepper and a doomsday'er. The electrical grid is simply too fragile for my liking.

The majority of items in my life, at the very least, have some form of "back-up" that is not dependent upon electricity ….. my hand loading and bullet casting equipment is no different! memtb
Why are low power electric devices that provide superior performance anti-prepping? Can't electricity be made and stored? …or are we thinking a world without the sun or physics?

Also, I guess my reloading plan is mostly for when the power is on. Power is on most of the time even in the Ukraine.
Supertrickler w. AND FX120i

Another scale that is a good fit for reloading is the Creedmoor Sports TRX-925. It seems accurate enough for all precision powder weighing and is easier on the bank account than the 120 and trickler. I'm sure it's nowhere near as fast but dropping a charge and then hand trickling should be fast enough for most long range shooters. Reviews look good with many satisfied users. I have been eyeing this one for a while.

There's an informative write up of the 925 here... https://www.theballisticassistant.com/trx-925-precision-reloading-scale/
Once again, I've avoided until now, getting into a conversation. So here goes!

I do not want to have any important aspect (though there are a few) of my life totally dependent upon anything electrical. I'm a bit of a prepper and a doomsday'er. The electrical grid is simply too fragile for my liking.

The majority of items in my life, at the very least, have some form of "back-up" that is not dependent upon electricity ….. my hand loading and bullet casting equipment is no different! memtb
I totally hear you❗️just like 3 days ago , I went to use my digital caliper to measure a small frost plugs& the battery. Was dead😩 time to get another dial caliper!
Granted, the battery lasts 2-3 years, but only come in a 3 pak so by the time the one in the caliper dies, the others aren't far behind. Being it was below zero, the battery had to wait cuz I wasn't driving to town for a 5$ 3pak
I one had a Lyman electric scale:;;,.-// JUNK ❗
That got the 300 mag treatment ❗🤣
Why are low power electric devices that provide superior performance anti-prepping? Can't electricity be made and stored? …or are we thinking a world without the sun or physics?

Also, I guess my reloading plan is mostly for when the power is on. Power is on most of the time even in the Ukraine.

A solar event such as the "Carington Event" can change everything we accept as the norm can be changed in seconds. We (planet Earth) had a very close call about 20 years ago!

Or our close Comrades from China, North Korea, or even Russia could detonate an (or several) EMP overhead which could shut down much of or possibly all of our grid! memtb
Propane (1000 gallon tank) until it runs out…..then if the " ship is still on the sand"……. a good ole wood fire! That was sufficient for our forefathers!

I actually think that I have enough cast already to take me a long way…..if they're used judiciously!

Though, casting a few hundred pounds more of bullets wouldn't hurt a thing! 😉 memtb
Sounds like you and I are thinking on the same line about all this
A solar event such as the "Carington Event" can change everything we accept as the norm can be changed in seconds. We (planet Earth) had a very close call about 20 years ago!

Or our close Comrades from China, North Korea, or even Russia could detonate an (or several) EMP overhead which could shut down much of or possibly all of our grid! memtb
You make a good point. I stand corrected! 😱 :eek:
I believe in adding today's tech to make me more efficient and/or more accurate. I also believe in retaining yester-year's tech "just in case".

Owning the newest stuff doesn't then preclude one from keeping and using something older.

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