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Double set triggers?


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2001
Double set triggers are very common in Europe and in Black powder single shots here.

In operation, they allow the shooter to choose between a normal "heavy" pull and a very light "set" pull. One of the triggers when pulled back will set the trigger (arm the springs within the trigger housing). This one is usually the rear trigger. The other, mostly front, with very light pressure releases the sear and off you go.

This front trigger also becomes the heavy trigger when the trigger is not set (rear trigger not pulled back first).

They are not commonly used in NA on a hunting rig. Can they work, of course they can. Just remember that the set trigger may be difficult to feel if your fingers are cold and numb. Then I would just use the "heavy" pull as I would on any other rifle.

Best of both worlds. I would put them on my other rifles if they were available. CZ offers a single set trigger (they used to offer double triggers) on most of their rifles. They shoot great and the set trigger is an excellent feature.

Double sets are neet, they give a great trigger if you have a good rest and a long shot.Or you just grab the front one for a snap shot, normally its no worse than a shotgun trigger. If there is a down side to them its the added lock time. I don't use them on my varmint rifles but I love them on my hunting rifles.
Double sets are neet, they give a great trigger if you have a good rest and a long shot.Or you just grab the front one for a snap shot, normally its no worse than a shotgun trigger. If there is a down side to them its the added lock time. I don't use them on my varmint rifles but I love them on my hunting rifles.
Can anyone give me info on double set triggers -- both pros and cons? Are they appropriate for hunting or strictly target shooting? Thanks for help with what is probably a rookie question!
My somewhat limited experience with set triggers has been very positive. As Jerry mentioned above you may use either as appropriate to the circumstance. When you have the time, a pull measured in ounces is a wonderful thing.
I use a single set trigger on my 6.5-06AI, it is made by Kepplinger and so far (past 12 months) it works great. I have it set for 3 lbs normas and about 6 oz in the set mode.

I use my rifle primarily for hunting and informal 1000 yard shoots at steel shilouettes.

May or may not be an option for you.

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