Yes, you read that right: coyote RECIPES. We have an abundance of them locally (and fox as well, for that matter), they pester and kill our livestock, and this evening over dinner my wife told me that any coyote that I shoot ought to be butchered and consumed by us. Now keep this in mind: we are hardcore food enthusiasts, we are not squeamish about what we eat, my wife is an exceptional chef, and we know about the potential health issues involved with consuming a carnivore. In case you are interested, they will be dispatched with a .264 Barnes 100-grain TTSX.
So the question that I have for members who have eaten coyote: would you care to share your favorite recipes?
I will be learning to preserve hides this year, it seems. I've always wanted to tie salmon and steelhead flies with fox and coyote fur.
So the question that I have for members who have eaten coyote: would you care to share your favorite recipes?
I will be learning to preserve hides this year, it seems. I've always wanted to tie salmon and steelhead flies with fox and coyote fur.