Looking for a set of compact binos, 8x28?
Budget $500
Budget $500
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Here are a cpl good choices on some used bino's to choose from. I used El Cheapo Bushnell compact bino's for decades. When they finally got broken, I decided since my aging eyes needed an upgrade in quality. The best bang for my buck was finding a good deal on a good used pair. I got a hellova good deal on GB for a pair of Steiner Predator Pro 12x that were in excellent cond & I'd never be able to afford them new.Looking for a set of compact binos, 8x28?
Budget $500
Then take a look at the Leica 10x25 I gave ya the link for. They should fit your needs perfectly & the glass is excellentThanks all, I'm wanting to stay at or below a 30mm objective