Clearidge scopes


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
hauser, id.
Has anyone tried the clearidge scopes? They have a 4.5-22x50 that looks really good on paper for about $650. Any info would be appreciated.....Rich
Rich, look at the bottom of the page and you'll see more threads on the Clearidge scopes. Or do a search under my user name and you should find some useful information. They are clear and they track very well. A friend of mine has been using one for about a year and he's very happy with it on his 6MM.
Here is one I mounted on my sons Tikka T3 Laminate in .338WM.
It is the 2.5-12.5x42 Ultra XP5
Very good optics and MOA turret adjustments are accurate.

We are getting excellent feedback on the Ultra XP5 scopes. Optics are great and the adjustments are accurate. I would highly recommend one.

That is correct. Right now there is no middle man. We own Clearidge Optics too, so we sell them on our Clearidge site and on The Optic Zone site. These are the only two sites that sell them as of right now.

That is correct. Right now there is no middle man. We own Clearidge Optics too, so we sell them on our Clearidge site and on The Optic Zone site. These are the only two sites that sell them as of right now.

Hey Jon,
I bought that Clearidge scope that is on the Tikka shown above, off you. Very happy with it. Any chance of getting a special deal for forum members?
I would be interested in getting another one off you.

I also like the idea of a MOA reticle, the one we bought had the mil dot reticle but I would have bought a MOA reticle if it was available.
If not possible, I think I will get the straight duplex reticle next time.
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