Chronograph chronographed?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2013
I thought I would ask this question how many are willing to admit having the absolute fun of shooting your own chronograph? Two years ago I was testing new slugs at 1 1/4Oz for the area I hunt and I was resetting my front bag under my 870 forearm. I didn't see the end cap sling swivel had spin around and somehow caused the forearm to raise up so the sight picture looked fine when I went to shoot but when I touching off the shotgun, the sling swivel swing back down thus lowering the front end so it actually slid back to just the barrel. Enough to hit the LED readout perfectly causing the chronograph to lift off the tripod quite easily I might add and go down range at quite a brisk velocity in many many many plastic pieces. When I called the company to reorder, the very nice lady said I could send it in for repair. When I explained the totality of the damage from a slug she actually started to laugh and told me this was one of the best if not the best chronograph demolition she has heard. Took pity on me and gave me discount for new one. She actually wondered if the chronograph could have been chronographed going down range.

SO my question remains: how many are willing to admit smashing their pretty electronics?
I set up the eyes for a friend and told him just aim at the target. I don't know if he flinched with his .44 mag or what. His bullet went right through the second eye.
I shot my optical chrono right in the face. I was in a rush, and was trying to get a 10 round average, set it up and forgot to check the height relative to the barrel....put a 178 gr amax right through it. Dusted the electronics.

For the last few years I've got the magnetospeed and some other do dads, and it's been a peach to use, even on time a constraint.
I have shot 2 pro chronos. Both with pistols. One with a 45 and one with a .357. Both were through and throughs, took out both photogates with shrapnel. The first one the screen still worked. Not so for the second.

now I have a magnetospeed and don't try to chronograph pistols.
I have upgraded to a Labradar but I had a couple "minor" incidents with my Shooting Chrony. I once managed to bend a sky screen leg with a bullet from a pistol caliber carbine shot freehand. The worst was when I was testing a muzzleloader, and because it was a belching muzzleloader, I had it further from the muzzle than I would a regular rifle. The sabot impacted above the screen and bent the metal in, but it still worked fine. After that I duct taped a piece of wood over the front display and used pieces of uncooked spaghetti in the sky screen leg holes as guides (no sky screens). That worked fine, I did regularly put a sabot into the piece of wood and broke spaghetti.
Wow...glad i don't have to admit anything like you guys......thats embarrassing..........
Now going to clock some rounds...and forget the chrono is a while another story.......
I thought I would ask this question how many are willing to admit having the absolute fun of shooting your own chronograph? Two years ago I was testing new slugs at 1 1/4Oz for the area I hunt and I was resetting my front bag under my 870 forearm. I didn't see the end cap sling swivel had spin around and somehow caused the forearm to raise up so the sight picture looked fine when I went to shoot but when I touching off the shotgun, the sling swivel swing back down thus lowering the front end so it actually slid back to just the barrel. Enough to hit the LED readout perfectly causing the chronograph to lift off the tripod quite easily I might add and go down range at quite a brisk velocity in many many many plastic pieces. When I called the company to reorder, the very nice lady said I could send it in for repair. When I explained the totality of the damage from a slug she actually started to laugh and told me this was one of the best if not the best chronograph demolition she has heard. Took pity on me and gave me discount for new one. She actually wondered if the chronograph could have been chronographed going down range.

SO my question remains: how many are willing to admit smashing their pretty electronics?

I'll admit to a multiple mishap, and the opportunity to learn from the experience.

The multiple mishaps: Firing one of my wife's .338 WM's through my .375AI, giving very little recoil, zero bullet stabilization, destroying one .338 brass, while also destroying a chronograph.

Lesson learned: Never have multiple cartridge types on the bench at the same time! memtb
I shot my first pro chrony. Doing load dev I adjusted to a lower target and forgot to check clearance. Didn't realize I shot it at first, couldn't figure out where my bullet went.
I never shot a chrony, but I did see me cousin shoot though his pickup's hood and fender. He was using the driver side hood as a rest, to shoot at a deer on the passenger side. The deer walked down hill just a little and he was in th buck fever zone. When he pulled the trigger, the bullet went though the hood, clipped an ac line (sending out a freon cloud) and out the fender. Needless to say the deer made it out alive. As for my cousin, he's a sheriff deputy and carries a gun are a living.
Well, I didn't destroy my chronograph, but I had to put it back together once. I was used to shooting my 300 RUM, up close and personal at 3 feet. Never had an issue, since it has a substantial brake. At elk camp this year, I was helping a buddy get some basic ballistics for his 300 WM, and without thinking, I set up the chronograph just like I do for me. Well, he didn't have a brake. The muzzle blast from the first shot blew the screen cover right out of it. Fortunately, no big deal. I was able to pop it back in, move it out to 15 feet, and all was well!
I am now using a Magnetospeed sporter and have mostly retired the old Caldwell (cheapest one they made). It still works, and even generally still agrees with the Magnetospeed, despite having been shot twice in the same string with 75gr HPBTMs from my AR. It looks bad, but both bullets and the resulting shrapnel stayed above the eyes and just blew gaping holes in the plastic body. It is a bit more finicky now, but should make a good loaner... or for use on a busy range...
I shot one last fall. Was having a frustrating day anyway on a load that was terrible and to top it off ended up destroying the chronograph. Was a good reason to upgrade to a magnitospeed. Should have upgraded sooner anyway.
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