Well-Known Member
Got a call from a buddy who was out shooting with some of his friends this last weekend. He told me that one of them had a new savage .308 gonna assume prob a model 10 but not 100% on that. Anyway he is having problems extracting the case. These are factory loads ( HSM) not sure of load. They had to pry the case out with a knife. I was told that it closed easy enough and no obvious pressure signs. Is it possible the head space just tight enough to allow case to expand but not contract back to original dimensions causing the case to stick? there were no scratches on case or any sign of a dirty chamber that they could find. Possible bad lot of ammo maybe. I told them to buy different ammo to see if it still happens. Any thoughts on this. I have never had that happen with factory ammo. Anyone have that happen to them? any thoughts would be help full.