I just got 100 300 RUM brass in rem also. Pretty excited as I don't even have the gun parts and all put together yet. One day.
But here's what I was going to do to the Rem, if I go with Nosler would I be wasting by time to do the same thing?
FL resize/with expander ball
debur flash hole
square primer pocket
turn necks-
sort by weight since shouldent they all be identical now as far as external dimensions?
new to turning necks, tell me if I'm wrong but I'm going to check necks with a ball micrometer, find the thinnest(?) spots average on all the brass, and turn the necks to that thickness. How far should I get into the shoulder to prevent a donut after firing?
Nosler brass sure does sound expensive, but would it be out of the box as consistent as the Rem brass after all that I listed above?