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Brass life


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2014
What is an acceptable number of reloads on say ADG or equivalent brass when reloading? I won't say what I'm getting so as to not spoil the conversation. I will say it's a 7mm Practical using primarily ADG brass. Winchester brass is in the mix but results have been a significant reduction in primer pocket integrity.
I have my own opinion but I want to hear what other consider acceptable.
First of all I hope your not shooting your brass mixed together.
ADG should last easily 10 firings if your not running really high pressure loads and annealing atleast every other or 3rd firing
I am annealing every other firing, certainly not mixing the two as they share nothing in common.
I average 10-12 reloads on the lapua brass I use with normal pressure loads on four different cartridges. On winchester brass I use in my 22-250 with very hot loads the primer pockets go at 3-4 reloads. Hope that helps.
I average 10-12 reloads on the lapua brass I use with normal pressure loads on four different cartridges. On winchester brass I use in my 22-250 with very hot loads the primer pockets go at 3-4 reloads. Hope that helps.
The difference in brass life between the two brands is stark in my case. This is the same cartridge with the same load. I would not consider the load "very hot" by any measure (literally) in ADG brass. Even the Winchester brass specs out decent with the exception of primer pockets. By the the time I get "clickers" with one I've wiped out the other.
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