Bighorn Ram - Demonstrating Flehming

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001

This photo demonstrates the action called "flehming". We were near the timing of the Bighorn rut in Alberta and this ram was checking scent. The open mouth and curled lip enhances the reception of scent, and the behavior is especially seen during rut.

I love to hunt with a gun but it is remarkable how much more immersed in wildlife behavior one becomes when out with just a camera.

This shot benefits from the dark shadowed background which makes the subject pop. Images work best when the subject is evenly lit by the sun. The human eye has much more "dynamic range" than a camera. This enables us to easily see detail in heavy shadow. But when you view a photo taken where the subject is in uneven, shadowed light much important detail is lost.

I could have shot at a slower shutter speed in order to increase depth of focus with a higher f-stop. But the subject is parallel to the plane of focus already and f8 is sufficient for depth of focus without allowing distracting detail to appear in the background with a higher f-stop.

Equipment used:
Nikon D1X camera
80-200mm VR lens at 200mm
1/400 sec at F8
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Cats do something similiar. I do not remember anyone ever giving the activity a name before so I guess I learned something today.

Interesting discussion on taking pictures. I don't usually turn my brain on before taking a picture so I am always surprised at how they look.
What's that optical illusion just behind his right front leg?

It seems that there should be shadow showing because of it????

Or am I just daft??
Roy, I assume you are referring to what in the original photo looks like a vertical column of hair, similar to what is white on the inside of the left rear leg.

Or maybe you are daft. :cool:
Its the patch of hair down and forward from the one you mention.

It just one of those illusion things that an inversely perceptive daft fella 'thinks' he sees.......

I appreciated the discussion you presented. I never think of that stuff.
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