For what it's worth, Manson Precision uses the staggered flute pattern on the reamers they make, too. I don't know about PT&G. What I do know about them (PT&G) is their tools lack the performance and longevity of the other makers, and the surface finish they give is kind of 'questionable'. Manson has a new web site, check their FAQs page for important information. I've always received first class customer service from both JGS and Manson. The only reason some use PT&G is probably because they never tried the others or they were the first reamer maker they called and actually got an answer. I detest e-mail for communicating with suppliers (until after a 'working relationship' has been established), I want to talk with them. I'd suggest you pick up the phone as they both receive hundreds of e-mails daily with only a few being serious. You might get "lost in the weeds" or get a generalized answer to your request using e-mail.