biden admin is banning ammunition and firearms of Russian origin


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008

I just thought I would share this here. There are a lot of other sources aside from NRA. It will definitely impact ammunition and will impact US gun owners more than Russia. Gun control under the guise of sanctions.

I just thought I would share this here. There are a lot of other sources aside from NRA. It will definitely impact ammunition and will impact US gun owners more than Russia. Gun control under the guise of sanctions.
Pretty much.

How this is going to put pressure on Putin is anybody's guess. But in the child sniffer's dementia infested mind it must make sense.
The Obama bans on Russisn weapon imports were expanded under Trump, it's not just a Democrat/Republican thing.

Cerberus Capital and Vista gave campaign money to BOTH parties during the last several election cycles. Oddly enough, executive orders and legislation which increase their portfolio values continued to occur no matter WHICH party won those elections.

Almost like the US government is "pay to play" or something.

Well it looks like we will not be getting any Russian made anything for a while. That sucks.
Well it looks like we will not be getting any Russian made anything for a while. That sucks.
You are wrong. We import and are still buying 600,000 bbls per day of Russian oil. We can't buy Russian Ammo or Russian vodka,
but we just love to buy Russian oil vs. drilling our own, creating American jobs and American Wealth.

Putin gets rich and uses it to bomb Ukraine. Bernie Sanders spent his honey moon in Moscow in the 1970s. He is a communist, and
AOC and him and the squad love Russian oil, just no US oil. They are hypocrites and worse. China must be blackmailing ol Joe to keep buying Russian oil....
You are wrong. We import and are still buying 600,000 bbls per day of Russian oil. We can't buy Russian Ammo or Russian vodka,
but we just love to buy Russian oil vs. drilling our own, creating American jobs and American Wealth.

Putin gets rich and uses it to bomb Ukraine. Bernie Sanders spent his honey moon in Moscow in the 1970s. He is a communist, and
AOC and him and the squad love Russian oil, just no US oil. They are hypocrites and worse. China must be blackmailing ol Joe to keep buying Russian oil....
How am I wrong? We will not likely be able to import Russian ammo for a long time.
How am I wrong? We will not likely be able to import Russian ammo for a long time.

He's saying that it's just virtue signaling on behalf of our government. When it comes to the stuff (energy) that will really hurt Russia, we won't give import bans.
You said we cant import Russian made anything.....I said nope we are still buying their oil. Pretty plain.
Ok, no big deal. Its plain enough that Brandon etal would ban anything that hurts gun owners, and Russian made ammo justs falls in their laps along those lines.

I just cant fathom why we still buy their oil? Its the one thing we can cut that really does punish them. I guess China is holding something over Brandon, or Bernie who spent his honey moon in Moscow has the real say so. But somethin seems rotten in Denmark as Shakespeare said in Hamlet.
The only reason I can think of for buying his oil is because our domestic O&G industry is in such bad shape after a year of Brandon and the greentards ruining it.

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