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Best slugs for H&R?


Well-Known Member
Dec 18, 2008
New Bern, NC
I recently found and bought an H&R slug gun in 20 gauge. I was wondering if anyone had this gun and what king of slugs shot the best out of it? I know I have to try a few out, but there's so many options I'd spend a small fortune to try them all so I'm trying to narrow my search. Thanks for the help.
I have one in 12 ga. and found it doesn't like Hornady SST's. The plastic sabot does not seal the barrel well and shows very little signs of contacting the rifling.

The best round I've tried so far is the Lightfield Hybrid Elite series slugs. When shot, the plastic sabot is forced outwards and seals against the rifling. an accurate and consistent round, it'll shoot a group resembling cloverleafs at 100 yds.

They shoot well from my ER Shaw barrelled Benelli SBE too.

There may be others that work, but I'll stick with the Lightfields for now.
I have sighted in two of the 20 ga. H&R for people and the Hornady SST slugs shot lights out in them. It was almost like shooting a rifle. The reason that I used the Hornady SST is because I have heard others say that they really shot well in their 20 ga.
Well, I finally found a load to shoot for me....to bad it was after the season lol

I tried 2 different Winchester slugs, Hornady SST's, and the Lightfields. The SST and Winchester's were 5-6 in groups @ 100....needless to say I wasn't impressed. The lightfields were around 3-3 1/2" groups which I was beginning to think was the best I could do. I took it hunting and said I wouldn't shoot at anything past 75-100 yards to make sure I get a good shot. I didn't see anything and so I put some oil on it and threw it back in the safe after the season ended. I finally found some 3" Remington accu-tips after reading an article on it. I went to the range and had a 2" group at 100 and I was really happy now. Mind you i hadn't deep cleaned the gun, so after the 3 shot group I cleaned it nice and good. Then I figured I had 2 shells left so I might as well finish sighting it in. So I made the corrections on the scope and sent another one down range and blasted the bulls eye, I was grinning now. I had one shell left in the box so I figured "why not" and send it down range. Center to center those last 2 rounds were 0.326" apart! I had the biggest smile on my face now so I cleaned it up really good and put it back in the safe and went to midway and ordered several more boxes for next year! I was beginning to think I had a lemon since everyone else that has the H&R shot awesome. I guess mine just doesn't like anything but the accu-tips! I love this gun now lol:D
I picked one up for my wife a few years ago while we were still in Illinois. Hers liked 3" Lightfields and 3" Federals that aren't made anymore. It shot the SST poorly, 6" group at 75 yds. Looks like we will try the Remingtons.
I read somewhere it does better with the 3" ones since it is a 3" chamber. Don't know if that is true but mine shot the 3" ones so well I won't even try unless I'm forced too. Right now midway USA was only place I could find the 3" ones in stock.

BTW, semper fi! My first unit was 2nd CEB back in '98-01. I was a comm guy and floated with bravo co 2nd plt in 2000. I'm a gunny now stuck in Norfolk at a staff billet:rolleyes:
Well, I finally found a load to shoot for me....to bad it was after the season lol

I tried 2 different Winchester slugs, Hornady SST's, and the Lightfields. The SST and Winchester's were 5-6 in groups @ 100....needless to say I wasn't impressed. The lightfields were around 3-3 1/2" groups which I was beginning to think was the best I could do. I took it hunting and said I wouldn't shoot at anything past 75-100 yards to make sure I get a good shot. I didn't see anything and so I put some oil on it and threw it back in the safe after the season ended. I finally found some 3" Remington accu-tips after reading an article on it. I went to the range and had a 2" group at 100 and I was really happy now. Mind you i hadn't deep cleaned the gun, so after the 3 shot group I cleaned it nice and good. Then I figured I had 2 shells left so I might as well finish sighting it in. So I made the corrections on the scope and sent another one down range and blasted the bulls eye, I was grinning now. I had one shell left in the box so I figured "why not" and send it down range. Center to center those last 2 rounds were 0.326" apart! I had the biggest smile on my face now so I cleaned it up really good and put it back in the safe and went to midway and ordered several more boxes for next year! I was beginning to think I had a lemon since everyone else that has the H&R shot awesome. I guess mine just doesn't like anything but the accu-tips! I love this gun now lol:D
I have a friend that shoots the Accutips out of his 20 g. Savage bolt gun with some outstanding results. I was contemplating on tryng them in my 12 g. Rem-1100.
+1 on the lightfield hybred elites or the 3" magnums...they were the ones that were most consistent for my 12ga and they average right around 1-1.5" at 100yards.
I like the Lightfields and the Hornady's but both loads fell off bad for me at 110 yards. I think the newer designed remington accutips and the federal barnes tipped expander stay much truer out to 200 yards. I used to only shoot lightfields out of my 1187 special purpose with hastings barrel and leupold and that thing was deadly out to 100 yards but after that the lightfields didn't stay on course very well. I have a 200 yard gun in my 220 if I use the federals or the remingtons but I'm not comfortable past 125 and maybe even past 115 with the lightfields or the Hornady's. Used the new rounds and am very confident out to 200 yards. Just my .00000000002:D
You need to try the Remington Copper Solids in that 20 gauge Ultra Slug Hunter. You'll be glad you did!!
I live in South Jersey and belong to a hunting club there. Out of the 26 men in our hunting club, 8 use the H&R UltraSlug Hunter in 12 Ga. 3 of those 8 had 20 ga. UltraSlug Guns and all three had problems with misfires. None of the 12 ga. owners experienced these problems. The three with the 20 ga. UltraSlug guns eventually traded those 20 ga UltraSlugs in on 12 Ga. UltraSlug guns and the misfire problems ceased to exist. I have not seen an explanation of why the misfire problems seemed to exist in the 20Ga. UltraSlug guns only as I have not even heard of anyone with the 12 Ga. version having misfire problems. You would think that any manufacturer would take the same care for all varieties of the same gun . . . at least I would. Quality assurance rules should hold across the board and without exception.

I know this sounds a bit strange but it does not seem to matter that all 8 of us sight-in and hunt with the same make and model gun but they do not all shoot the same slugs best. I have witnessed this myself on several occasions during sight-in day at our range. For example, my UltraSlug prefers the untipped 3" Federal Barnes Expanders as does another of our group. Three other UltraSlug owners do best with the Lightfield Hybrid Elite slugs, and two others prefer the 3" Remington Copper Solids. All 8 of us have tried what works best for the others on more than one three-shot group but the individual UltraSlugs have their preferences and refuse to budge at all.

The best advice I can give is to try the various sabot slugs over time (as your personal finances allow) and see which of them your personal UltraSlug prefers. With the right sabot, these guns are shooters. One member of our club owns and hunts with a TarHunt RSG and while it is an accurate DSG, it is no more accurate than our 12 Ga. H&R UltraSlug guns are.

Most members of our club insist on having multi-shot capability. I cannot understand why because on more than one occassion, I have been busy gutting my deer while they were trying to impress the club members with how fast they could empty their magazines.

Every year I hunt from my tree stand on my brother's farm in Maryland as well as New Jersey. My very plush stand is located at the corner of a rather large field usually planted to soybeans. When it is not planted to soybeans, he cover crops it with a mixture of clovers. Every 3rd. year he plants it to corn. Last season I took a 9-point at a ranged 146 yds. with my UltraSlug and untipped 3" Federal Barnes Expander slugs. This was (by far) the farthest shot on deer that I had ever even attempted. That 9-point dropped after taking four staggering steps and died right there.

One piece of advice: If you are going to take shots over 100 yds, get yourself a good rangefinder and use it. You will be surprised at how far off your distance judgment can be. I know I was. You might also want to keep in mind just how much wind affects the slug you are using. If it were not a dead calm morning, I would not even attempt long-range shots with my UltraSlug.

By the way, out of the 16 deer I have taken in my life, only two have been at over 100 yds. Most have been at 50 yds or less. Visit the New Jersey pines and you will understand why.

Good luck in finding which sabot slug your UltraSlug prefers. Most of us slug hunters have discovered that there is just no inexpensive way to accomplish this as every gun and even every barrel can be a bit different.
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Must be a Yankee thang!!! Our 20 gauga USH's shoot all day long on this side of the Mason -Dixon line!!!:)