Best Powder Measure for Hodgon Extreme Powders?

For LR, I am part of the weigh the charge crowd. Also, love Lee products but don't use the powder measure for extruded powder (works great for ball). My feeling is that if I go through all the nit picky prep in my components, then I am going to be just as picky during my loading. However, what I don't have a lot of is time.

I load for a variety of cartridges and hate to have to adjust the powder measure all the time. My solutions is the Lee powder scoops. Yep, the $10 solution.

I just use the scoop that is close to the weight I need, then trickle the rest. For 20 rds, it takes less time to do this then to set up the measure and do several test drops.

I have also found that the measure can vary 0.2gr which means that my loads could be almost 1/2 gr out from heaviest to lightest (usually consecutive rds). This leads to too much potential difference in the vel/pressure for my liking.

Of course, you can be really frugal and make some scoops from cut down brass and wire. Either method will get you very close.

I like to keep my weights in 308 and larger cases to within 0.1gr.

I have owned a Neil Jones Powder Measure for about 6 years and I must say I enjoy using mine. I have had little or no problems throwing big charges of IMR-7828 accurately enough for hunting purposes. I compared my Jones to my brother's RCBS and there was no question that my Jones was more accurate throwing charges with all powders and charge weights.

Flame away if you must but this is what I found comparing the two measures. That said I still weigh my thrown charges. I just feel better knowing that every charge is the same.
I see that you have an old AMT autoscale, so do I. Maybe you could help me. I haven't used the AMT in some time and now I can't find the transformer. I know I can get a replacement at Radio Shack but I need to have the information from the original transformer. I would appreciate it if you could get the information for me.

Not trying to be funny, but in all seriousness the best measure is a scale. You really need to weigh every long range load.

[ 03-29-2003: Message edited by: BountyHunter ]

I agree, why not weigh every load. I mean, you are counting on this stuff to "blow up" within 6-8 inches of your face, I think weighing each charge is the way to go.

Think about it, would you try to bake a cake for your wife or your mother without measuring each ingrediant to the T? Even better would you eat a cake baked by your girlfriend or wife if she just dumped ingrediants into a bowl and baked it? I wouldn't, but that's just me.

Mike Alford
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