Berger 30-06 reloading data


New Member
Sep 28, 2009
I was just wondering if anyone has the reloading data sheets for a 30-06 sprng. Im using a 175Grain Vld Match grade bullet. the rifle is a remington 700 1 in 12 twist with a 24inch barrel. only reason im asking on here is because its been over 2 weeks and i havent heard back from berger :(. any info would be appreciated.
I am heading out to the reloading supplier tomorrow and Berger Hunting bullet in 168 or 175 is on my list to pick up and try for my 30-06. Any Load data as a starting point would be helpful. Have H4831 and Varget currently and will pick up some Retumbo and perhaps something else pending what kind of feedback I get.
berger just got back to me here is the info i got, hope it helps you.

30-06 Springfield Bullet Powder Start Load Approximate Start Velocity Max Load Approximate Max Velocity Fill Ratio 175 Grain AA XMR 4350 50.0 2533 55.4 2807 99.0% 175 Grain AA 3100 55.5 2515 58.5 2666 104.6% 175 Grain H414 49.0 2468 54.6 2742 90.7% 175 Grain IMR 4350 49.0 2526 54.6 2805 98.7% 175 Grain NORMA 203-B 46.0 2555 51.0 2792 91.2% 175 Grain Ramshot Hunter 52.0 2545 57.7 2821 96.8% 175 Grain VIHT N550 49.5 2538 55.1 2808 94.4% 175 Grain WW 760 50.0 2528 55.0 2776 93.3% 175 Grain H4350 51.0 2490 56.6 2771 100.1% 175 Grain RE-19 52.5 2522 58.3 2809 105.4% 175 Grain RE 22 54.5 2510 60.8 2833 107.5% 175 Grain VARGET 44.0 2486 48.0 2771 86.8% 175 Grain IMR 4064 44.0 2484 49.0 2723 89.5% 175 Grain IMR 4895 44.0 2533 49.2 2779 89.9% 175 Grain VIHT N140 45.0 2578 50.0 2731 91.2% 175 Grain IMR 4831 51.0 2512 56.8 2794 101.9%
Thanks but I have what I need to start for the 175 gr from what you gave me.

I was really only interested in a couple of the powders. Varget and H4831 for certain, the others are good to have though.

I am going to communicate with Berger as well as I want the information for their 168 gr hunter bullet as well. And they list IMR4831, but not the H4831 and I want to find out if I need to adjust for that as I use the H4831.

I am working on a Hunting load, and thought about trying these.

I shoot paper with my 25-06. Heavier and less recoil.

IF YOU GO TO 6MMBR THERE IS AN ARTICLE ON RE-17. It is supposed to give higher velocities with same pressure. . i would try varget, h-4350 and re-17. lapua brass
Thanks for the input.

The Search engine on this site is a bit tricky to use, I had tried searching by caliber however had better luck searching Berger and lots of reading, but I did eventually find two different posts (see below) concerning the 30-06 and the 168 berger for reference. I will be using Norma Brass and FED 210 Match primers. And it looks like Varget:) gun)

I use 49.5gr of varget with 168gr VLD with CCI 200 and rem brass it is a good load for my rem700. I'm guessing it is around 2750fps.

I have great luck with 50gr of varget and 168grberger vld's and 165 nosler Ab's with cci 200 primers and rem brass.
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