Bergara B14 HMR Vs Christensen ridgeline?


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2016
Looking to pick up another 6.5 prc rifle, have one in Mauser and Mossberg and want another.

Using with a suppressor and reloading, I like the heavier taper barrel better but in store it felt heavy, how does the B14 HMR balance with a mid weight suppressor?

Never considered them before until I saw one today but looks like good quality, and Factory trigger felt great.
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I cannot talk about a suppressor, but I can tell you the two Bergara B14 HMR I have experience with are very accurate. One in 7 mm Rem Mag and another one in 6.5 Creedmoor both are very accurate and it is heavier than other standard rifles, but I look at accuracy first before weight. They are well built and function very well, I don't think you would be disappointed in the rifle.
I have both rifles, they are very different. HMR is heavier and solid, Ridgeline is light but solid. They feel totally different. For shooting and normal hunting I like the HMR better. But if I was stalking or mountain hunting the ridgeline. Both have great triggers, I like the Bergara action a little better. I am waiting for my suppressor to clear hope to have it by nov. If I could only have one I would take the Bergara HMR, it feels indestructible.
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