Bartlein 3 or 3b Contour for a 270WSM Build

Full Curl

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2012
Rebarreling my Remington 700 BDL SA 270WSM. Barrel of choice is 24" 8:1 Bartlein. I can't decide between a 3 or 3b contour. This is a carry hunting rig so I'm thinking weight savings tell me to go with a 3. I know I could flute the 3b but that's just more cost. Is there any reason a 3b would be better than a 3? Would it be more accurate? I plan to shoot the 140s to 150s bullets all the way up to the 170. Factory 24" barreled action in an HS Precision stock topped with a Leupold 4.5-14x40 was 8.51 pounds. I'd like to try to stay under 9 pounds with glass if possible unless I'm going to gain some accuracy… under 10 pounds for sure. Glass and stock are staying the same. Any advice on the 3 vs. 3b contour would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
I built a .284 a couple years ago on a Remington 700. I went with a Bartlein #3 and it was a good bit heavier than the factory Remington sporter barrel. I would say it's 1-1.5lbs heavier. I don't mind it, but it's bigger than I was expecting even when looking at the contour chart. I would say #3 would be the heaviest for a carry rifle in my opinion. The Bartlein 2B would be a better choice if you're trying to get closer to the factory barrel weight. Accuracy will be equal. Accuracy more so depends on how well the shooter can handle recoil in a lighter rifle.

To add. My rifle is a Remington 700 long action ADL in a limited edition ADL laminate stock. It's topped with an Athlon 3-15x HMR in Hawkins rings and the barrel is 26" with a brake. It weighs right at 9.5lbs scoped. Without the scope it would be around 8lbs.
I have a number of rifles with Bartlein 24" 2B's, 26" #3's & 3B's.

The 3B's are the easiest to shoot past 600. The 2B's shoot well to 500, give up some velocity, but pack better.

The #3 26" finish factory fluted is a nice compromise, just my experience.
The weight difference between a 26" Bartlein 3 and 3B contour is 8 ounces. Between a 26" 2B and 3 contour is 4,8 ounces. If I lose one pound of my weight before i go hunting, I lose 30% more than going from a 3B to a 2B. It is relative :) but it's your call and ones peace of mind may not weigh anything but it does seem to take some weight off ones shoulders :)
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I have a custom 7 Mag with a spiral fluted #3B and just had a 300 Win. rebarreled with a straight fluted #3. For a packing rifle I would definitely recommend the #3 whether you plan to flute it or not.

Good choice in barrel maker, I have five Bartleins and every one of them shoots. Just bought another one yesterday for a future build and I'm sure it will shoot as well. Gonna send it to Kampfeld Custom and have it spiral fluted.
Don't forget that Bartleins #3 is closer to most companies #4 and their #3b is closer to a #5. Might help when comparing to other barrels you may have.

A #3b may be able to be threaded for a can at a longer length, if that matters to you. For a carrying gun I'd be looking at a #2b, or in my case a #2.
Thanks for all the replies and information. I just ordered a factory straight fluted 8:1 twist #3 from Bartlein finished at 24". I figured that was a good middle ground compromise as others mentioned. No brake or can will be going on this one so I'm not threading it. Thanks again for the help to everybody that posted.
I have a #3 at 25" in 6mm CM in a M70 long action and featherweight stock. Not real light but comfortable for carrying. Also have a 3B too that's going on a M70 short action in 308 win, but that one will be 22 or 23". Should finish reasonably close in weight to the other one. Both a bit more than sporter weight but way easier handling than a sendero contour.
Thanks for all the replies and information. I just ordered a factory straight fluted 8:1 twist #3 from Bartlein finished at 24". I figured that was a good middle ground compromise as others mentioned. No brake or can will be going on this one so I'm not threading it. Thanks again for the help to everybody that posted.
Great call and your peace of mind will remind you of your choice :) My 7mm mag Bartlein with a gain twist is lights out accurate.
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