Automatic Powder Measurers

Triple BB

Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2002
Was looking at getting an automatic/electric powder measurer. There's a little bit of a price difference between a couple of them, otherwise they all look to be about the same. Any good or bad experiences or recommendations before I pull the trigger on one of these. Kinda looking at a Lyman at this point. Thanks...
I have the Pact II, I like it. Heard good things about the RCBS too. A guy I work with had the lyman and he hated it, the reviews I've seen tend to lean in the same direction, but I don't know first hand. What I do know is that they are not perfect, no matter which one you go with they all have their little quirks.:)
I have had the Hornady autocharge for a bit now, and am very happy with it. it is easy to use, does not take a long time to warm up and throws very precious charges. they are not as fast as a conventional powder measure, but it is nice to know that each charge is weighed. i would say that they are to slow for mass producing blasting ammo though...
I use the lyman, with upgrades, and like it. correct in the "quirks" thing, they ALL have 'em, but the lyman works bet for me. All I have done is trim the drop tube in the lathe a bit to drop powder in the CENTER of the pan, and keep it away from drafts, and vibrations from the loading press. set it to trickle .2 below charge and trickle if you want, still fast.
I use the lyman, with upgrades, and like it. correct in the "quirks" thing, they ALL have 'em, but the lyman works bet for me. All I have done is trim the drop tube in the lathe a bit to drop powder in the CENTER of the pan, and keep it away from drafts, and vibrations from the loading press. set it to trickle .2 below charge and trickle if you want, still fast.
Thats pretty similar to how I use my PactII, I set it to 0.1gr under and trickle up. Most of my reloading is done in batches of 50 or less so the electronics never really get a chance to learn, that avoids about 95% of the frustrations and doesn't really add any more time but a few seconds. I have my electronics set on a separate bench next to my loading bench to isolate them, I also duct taped all the vents in my gunroom.
ive got the pact set up with the speed increase and a lyman II unit. Both do the job the lymans a bit faster but i like the fact with my pact i can use just the scale and eaisly move it around the loading room. Both have been accurate and reliable for me.
I had the Lyman and it is alright but not great. It has a 30 min warm up and was always losing calibration. I switched to the Rcbs and love it. Only takes about 2min to calibrate and your good to go. I had some issues with the buttons and called Rcbs about it. Since I live in Canada they said shipping might be a pain so get this- they said smash it with a hammer and take photos. They sent me a new one in about a week. Pretty hard to beat that warranty.
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