Anyone try a Black Hole Weaponry barrel in a bolt gun yet?


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2003
The Big Country
They are one of the options I am considering for my Shilen DGR action but before I pull the trigger on one I would like to hear how they are shooting for you guys.

Sorta pulling back a necro post but since nobody else replied:

Just ordered my latest barrel from them for my Mossberg MVP in .223. The 4 I've had in AR platform rifles have been one hole shooters. 3x .223 and 1 6x45mm. The ones I've had on bolt action guns have been just as good as any Lilja, Shilen or Hart I've ever had. My 7RM barrel from them is the easiest barrel to load for I've ever had. It'll group well with just about anything I feed it. I'm always impressed with the quality of the work and attention to detail.
there new web page does not even mention pre fits or bolt action barrels, I had been considering trying one for a savage build
I've had 2 on bolt guns, I still have one on a CZ 527 in 6.5 Grendel and it's a great shooter. We tried one chambered in 6.5x338 RUM Improved on a Savage and the Poly rifling just didn't hold up very well to the dramatically overbore case. The Poly rifled Black Hole barrel was torched and key holing bullets after 190 rounds. My conventionally riffled McGowen is still going strong after 385 identical loads under identical conditions.

I'm pretty confident that the Poly rifling will be great in more conventional chamberings.
there new web page does not even mention pre fits or bolt action barrels, I had been considering trying one for a savage build
Just call em' up. They're transitioning the branding and website. Everything is kinda in flux online. A call to them should set you up.

I run one on a 7mag and it's running perfectly several hundred rounds in with pretty hot loads and berger hybrid's. I'm guessing 6.5-338RUM might be so overbore as to require a tougher bullet like a monolithic to keep mechanical engagement into the rifling.
I appreciate the responses. I went with a Criterion because there were many more reviews available. It turned out to be an outstanding choice, but I'm not opposed to trying something new for my next barrel.

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