And yet another build question; 30-06 vs 338-06 vs 338-06 AI??


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2013
Rhode Island
I ran a search on the 338-06 round, found a lot of old replies but nothing too recent with data. I have a .270AI that I use to hunt whitetail deer out to 400-500 yards that I feel confident with. I'd like to have another rifle in a larger caliber to complement this rifle. If at all possible I like to have a rifle to keep as a back-up rifle for the one I am hunting with. I've loaned that extra rifle on more than one hunt due to something falling out of a stand, getting run over (I know, who knew!!), a wrecked scope, or simply forgot ammo!! I already have a donor Ruger 77 in 30-06 and could just keep the "06", put a quality, 24-26 inch barrel (Bartlein/Lilja), blueprint the action and be on my way; twist the barrel to shoot the 210 ABLRs and it ought to do the job. But then I'm thinking that the 338-06 or 338-06AI ought to do a better job shooting heavier bullets, with a better selection, with less recoil and a lot flatter than the "06"? I recoil is a consideration with the build, and I do reload so that's not an issue. Then......"I'm thinking that I'm thinking too much" about this whole thing and perhaps all three cartridges will do what I want for the game that I'm hunting at the range/s that I intend to hunt; but, I have read that the 338-06 has a lot less recoil than the "06". Any input from would be appreciated. I've been kicking this around for a couple of months now, and not sure which way to go "06" or 338-06 or 338-06AI; my position is "ole school", it's going to be one or the other!!
I'm voting .338-06 as it sounds like you'll be rebarreling in any case. This will allow you to simply run 06 brass thru a die and have cases to use w/o a need to fireform. The AI sounds good (more power) but it will need fireforming & will increase recoil slightly. Plus the more gradual shoulder of the non-AI version will feed smoother.
I haven't run numbers, but seriously doubt the recoil difference is much if any.

Plenty of good bullets for both.

I really can't say there is a clear difference to make the choice.

Really comes down to what you want. Room for either or both in the safe.
A longer barrel 30-06 with a longer throat allowing the big bullets to be seated out can be impressive for its capacity. However, since you have a 270 and want "bigger", I would vote for the 338-06. It is a very capable round for all NA game, and the 160-180's @ 3,000+fps do very well on deer sized animals. The 225's in a 26" can be pushed to 2,700fps.
First of all I can tell you from owning a couple of .338-06 rifles you won't have less recoil. If your rifles are roughly the same weight 06 vs. .338-06, the one shooting same weight bullets faster will recoil more. So don't go believing this is a magical cartridge that defies the laws of physics, it doesn't.

I love my .338-06 rifles, but honestly the .30-06 is a far more versatile round. If you think you need more than the. 30-06 to kill it, the .338 WM would be the better choice if going to a .338 caliber especially with bullets 250 grains or heavier. I still vote you build one as the .338-06 is a fun cartridge to use and reload for.
No experience with the .338-06 but my 35 Whelen definitely recoils more with 200 grain bullets than my 30-06 with the same weight. Even moreso with 225 or 250's. Would expect the same from the 338. If you want similar ballistics to your .270 with bigger bullets, try a .300 Win Mag. I have a 180 grain load that pretty much mimics my 140 grain in the .270 Win. Otherwise, the 30-06 gets my vote. Either way, I'm thinking you're going to get more recoil moving up in bore, not less.
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