A last day gift from "nanny"


Well-Known Member
Jun 25, 2007
Well the 2012 deer season ended well for me after a rocky start. While huntng the 2nd day of the PA deer season I recieved the "dreaded" call from work telling me I was cutting my vacation short:D. After a few yes sir's I watched my season fade away.

Same day my hunting buddies and fellow Cabin members Kevin Cram and John Mason down two nice long range bucks out of one of our go to spots!

Late the 2nd week of the season I was able to sneak away from work and get some hunting in the last two days of the season. I arrive at the cabin Thursday night and like a kid on Christmas can't wait to get some hunting in the last two days.

Friday morning we roll out of bed bright eyed and bushy tailed and after a quick look outside discover it's raining and the area is covered by a THICK fog!My Friday turned into a day long Bush hunt. End of day result = NO DEER

Saturday morning rolls around and it's the last shot for a filling my PA buck tag. A quick look outside.....seriously? Thick fog and Rain again!

After some conversation it is decided another bush hunt is in store and the long range stuff can stay in the car in case it clears up.

We bush hunted until 11:30 with no success. BUT it cleared up into a beautiful day. :D Some quick debating and we were on our way to get a few final hours of long ranging in!

A quick setup of the bench and the gun and both of our glasses I start to glass. Kevin looks at me and observes me glassing starting at the top and he decides to start low. He swings his glasses looks in them and I hear....

Your not gonna believe this but I got a Buck! Nice Buck
Yeah sure I tell him

After a short moment of complaining to him about only being in his glasses for 5 minutes I take a look at the buck. It took a fraction of a second to respond yup he is good enough!

The buck was roughly 460 yards and laying down in a perfect spot with a 12" oak covering his shoulder! C'mon really I gripe!

After 1 1/2 hours of viewing pleasure he stood up took a couple steps and presented a beautiful broadside shot. 1 loud crack of the 338-408 cheytac and the 300 gr SMK met the mark and dropped him in his tracks.

1 1/2 hours left in the season and it was closed with this! :D




What a hunt!! I really thought JUDD was going to end up empty handed again this year. As luck had it we were fortunate enough to finish out the season with 7 beautiful PA bucks in total. All though the shot wasn't overly far for us it was perfectly executed. Who ever said match kings don't kill deer would have a tough argument with 4 dead bucks. I got a few extra pics to share, the wound channel was remarkable. The entrance was was just behind the front shoulder but the bullet exited in front of the shoulder at the base of the neck.

Shane Walton 2012 Last Day 479 yareds #3.jpg

Shane Walton 2012 Last Day 479 yareds #4.jpg

Shane Walton 2012 Last Day 479 yareds #8.jpg
I was pleased to see this buck shortly after they got it out and came here to the house.
It was a dandy last day buck for our area of PA.
Good job guys. Your persistance paid off.
Seven bucks at one camp is outstanding especially this year and in this area..
Wish I coulda been there for that one!! Hey way out there, you ain't from way outta a city that starts with "A" are ya. Maybe somewhere west of me?:)
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