7mm SAUM Build 2nd thoughts - Move to a 7MM PRC?? Your expert opinions appreciated...


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2022
Freedomville, USA
I have a 27" .284 Bartlein Carbon Wrapped, 1: 8-7.25 gain twist barrel (blank) that was intended for becoming a SAUM as I wanted the neck length advantage of the SAUM casing, but given the EXTRAORDINARY difficulty in finding brass, I am now contemplating a switch to a 7mm PRC as .02 sacrifice in neck length is likely worth the ridiculous issues with locating brass...surely the 7 PRC will have PLENTY of options for brass in the near future.
What are others' thoughts in making the switch from SAUM to PRC?
Other than a SA to a LA configuration (quite frankly the SA for the SAUM with highest BC bullets was basically ruled out given the OAL limitation for mag-based application, as well as powder constraints due to deep bullet seating depth to fit the SA mags).
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I'd say go for the 7 PRC, especially if you're already using a long action. You'll get a little more case capacity and you know that Hornady will support it in the future, so you'll have the option to use factory ammo. You can always use Lapua 300 PRC or Hornady 375 Ruger brass to form cases until 7 PRC cases because more available.
I would be a little hesitant to do 7prc until brass is out in the wild. I don't see ADG or Lapua having brass out super fast with the current state of things. They can't keep up as is it's not like they need to add another sku to make money. I realize it doesn't take that much to make 7prc if you already have the cases drawn for the other PRC's but I guess I wouldn't expect brass in the next few months from either of them. I'm sure some Hornady will be out soon enough but it may be just as hard to find initially as 7saum is right now.
I'd say go for the 7 PRC, especially if you're already using a long action. You'll get a little more case capacity and you know that Hornady will support it in the future, so you'll have the option to use factory ammo. You can always use Lapua 300 PRC or Hornady 375 Ruger brass to form cases until 7 PRC cases because more available.
Thanks for the reply Greg - On another project I was starting, I acquired a few hundred 300 PRC unfired casings, so I'm likely good to go with the resize for the short term. With the shoulder moved back on the 7PRC, resize should be AOK.
I would be a little hesitant to do 7prc until brass is out in the wild. I don't see ADG or Lapua having brass out super fast with the current state of things. They can't keep up as is it's not like they need to add another sku to make money. I realize it doesn't take that much to make 7prc if you already have the cases drawn for the other PRC's but I guess I wouldn't expect brass in the next few months from either of them. I'm sure some Hornady will be out soon enough but it may be just as hard to find initially as 7saum is right now.
Thanks for replying Ckleeves, I agree the time to mfg of the 7PRC by the premium brass producers is going to be a while for sure. It was hard enough for me to find Peterson 6.5 PRC's for a Sako AV build I'm doing...used to be a 7-300 Wthby, but shot the barrel out and was intrigued by the 6.5PRC benefits over 6.5CM.

build the 7 SAUM, Shoot it until your barrel is shot out, maybe by then you'll have a good 7 PRC brass and then you can build that one.
Thanks Justice1327 for your reply - I hear ya, with the velocities, should not take too much time to wear it out - given the amount of time it took to get the barrel built, I'd better put my order in now for a barrel in 2024 ;-) I'm defintely going to go with their new 400MODBB metalurgy they have developed for double the firings per barrel...
Do you already have SAUM brass? if so I would vote for sticking with the SAUM until you burn the barrel, if you want to switch at that time then not a problem. To go 7 PRC you will have to get a reamer, form brass, and likely have to get custom dies made, not sure how long it will be until someone puts out dies.

Also that brass formed from 300 PRC will end up with thicker necks so you should neck turn or go to custom reamer dimensions which may not work well with manufactured brass.
I know I speak heresy, but why not just stick to the tried and true 7mm RM? Sure it isn't as new or sexy as a SAUM or 7PRC but the performance is right between the SAUM and 7PRC with plentiful brass, components, and factory ammo in a pinch. Also the 7RM and 7PRC are both require a long action so if the 7PRC takes the world by storm (the SAUM is basically dead) and replaces the 7RM, you can easily swap barrels if you manage to shoot out your current one.
I know I speak heresy, but why not just stick to the tried and true 7mm RM? Sure it isn't as new or sexy as a SAUM or 7PRC but the performance is right between the SAUM and 7PRC with plentiful brass, components, and factory ammo in a pinch. Also the 7RM and 7PRC are both require a long action so if the 7PRC takes the world by storm (the SAUM is basically dead) and replaces the 7RM, you can easily swap barrels if you manage to shoot out your current one.
Agree… I waited to see if the 7 PRC was actually going to be based off the 300 PRC case. Since it is not, I asked my builder to do another 7 mm practical... But with a little bit longer free bore for the 195s.
they just released the prints and understand the excitement myself included but what past experiences suggest that it will most likely be officially released at 2023 Shot Show.
first release prints and build excitement then release at Shot Show has been pretty common with all manufactures. making brass from 300PRC is possible but not a job for a novice it will take multiple steps with multiple dies and then neck turning and annealing.

I will be waiting for the release of ammo and reloading brass, it will be worth it, the design is well thought out and efficient making it an easy rebarrel of existing rifles without all the extra expense of fixing mag restrictions.
Do you already have SAUM brass? if so I would vote for sticking with the SAUM until you burn the barrel, if you want to switch at that time then not a problem. To go 7 PRC you will have to get a reamer, form brass, and likely have to get custom dies made, not sure how long it will be until someone puts out dies.

Also that brass formed from 300 PRC will end up with thicker necks so you should neck turn or go to custom reamer dimensions which may not work well with manufactured brass.
Thanks Taylorbok, Yes for sure - have to turn the necks as I definitely want to stay as close to SAAMI OND as possible to allow for factory firing without proper neck support. Takes time, but with the absolute garbage my wife likes to watch at night, I can sit there (present in body) while I turn necks and listen in headphone-peace to Ministers and Truthers spreading the word... ;-) I have a basic Forester hand turning tool - do you have a recommendation on something more accurate/user friendly? Would you anneal, turn, anneal or just anneal/turn?
Agree… I waited to see if the 7 PRC was actually going to be based off the 300 PRC case. Since it is not, I asked my builder to do another 7 mm practical... But with a little bit longer free bore for the 195s.
they just released the prints and understand the excitement myself included but what past experiences suggest that it will most likely be officially released at 2023 Shot Show.
first release prints and build excitement then release at Shot Show has been pretty common with all manufactures. making brass from 300PRC is possible but not a job for a novice it will take multiple steps with multiple dies and then neck turning and annealing.

I will be waiting for the release of ammo and reloading brass, it will be worth it, the design is well thought out and efficient making it an easy rebarrel of existing rifles without all the extra expense of fixing mag restrictions.
Thanks Can1010 for the reply. I am not sure I recognize what you mean by the multiple dies (I'm in learning mode here). For the 7mm-300 weatherby, I stepped down using a single die and turned necks to ensure proper tension and fire-forming before load development. Other than trim, similar process going up from .308 Win to 375 Raptor. Which dies are you envisioning may be involved beyond a future 7mm PRC die and similar process to the 7-300 wthby?
I know I speak heresy, but why not just stick to the tried and true 7mm RM? Sure it isn't as new or sexy as a SAUM or 7PRC but the performance is right between the SAUM and 7PRC with plentiful brass, components, and factory ammo in a pinch. Also the 7RM and 7PRC are both require a long action so if the 7PRC takes the world by storm (the SAUM is basically dead) and replaces the 7RM, you can easily swap barrels if you manage to shoot out your current one.
I hear you for sure on the 7 Rem Mag...I had a similar struggle when going to a 284 Win in a standard Mauser action...I sure love the accuracy of that Win over the Rem's I've had...hoping 7 PRC somehow has similar magic sauce like the .284 Win and also 22 PCC over 220 Russian...