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6.5-06ai 6.5X280ai

USMC 338

Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2008
foraker OK
what is the differance between the two. I seen the 6.5-06ai and the 6.5X280ai on pacnors web site when looking at wildcat offerings.
No Expert am I but I think the basic difference is one is necked down for 6.5mm projectile 30.06 AI case and the other is 280 AI case. AI meaning most likely the 40 degrees.

Not sure what the different ballistics are if that is what you are asking.
Sorry let me clear things up a bit just wanted to know if the shoulder is different or the neck one longer than the other? there can't be much differance between the two.
Sorry let me clear things up a bit just wanted to know if the shoulder is different or the neck one longer than the other? there can't be much differance between the two.
The case is longer on the .280 by ~.040". The length to neck/shoulder juncture on the .280 should be around .018" longer. The neck should be shorter. Of course this all depends on who's reamer it is and who cuts the chamber/sets headspace.
Plus, I believe there are saami specs on the 6.5/06 but maybe not.
You can use these guys to explore case specs:
4-D Products Rentals

Personally if I was going to do a wildcat like this one I would base it on the .25-06 case for simplicity of case prep. One pass through the resizer for neck expansion, load and shoot.
My 6.5x.257R Ackley has that advantage.
Don't want to throw a wringer in, but I've had a 6.5-06 A.I. and currently have a 6.5 Sherman based on a .270 case. One thing that you want to be aware of is the 25 and 30-06 measure 2.494" The .270 and .280 measure 2.540". Someone mentioned that you can just fire form the '06 case and have at it, which is true. The problem is, when you fire form this case, it will shrink in length by .015-020", then you have something like 2.475 or so. My 6.5 Sherman reamer measures 2.525" to accomodate the shrinkage from 2.540 in the .270 case so you don't end up with a short neck as I previously mentioned. Also, many of the factory cases are shorter than advertised in the beginning, SO YOU CAN END UP EVEN WORSE OFF. My case has less body taper and more body length than the A.I. and still has a good neck because of the greater .270 length. (I.E. WSM CASE CAPACITY IN AN '06 SIZED CASE) I get 3200'+ in a 26" barrel which is about 125' more than my ackley would do. Because of the case design, I can get 15 firings out of my cases and rarely have to trim. FOOD FOR THOUGHT!........Rich
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