38 yards is long range in Wisconsin...

Len Backus

Staff member
May 2, 2001
From what I read, I understand that some bowhunters out west are good enough to take game at 50 or even 60 yards. In my dreams, could I do that.

But I have shot 2 deer at 38 yards in a state where most are shot at 15 to 20 yards.
Nice to see another Ethical bowhunter...

Took this buck at 19 yards with 64 lb Custom long bow...


50 yards is not a hard shot in a open field. In the woods in a treestand its often difficult to get a clear shooting lane much past 30-35 yards. It doesn't take much to deflect an arrow.

As far as shooting ability....

Keep practicing at 50-60 yards and those 30-40 yard shots will be cake. It best to practice farther than you are going to hunt.

Len, the game outwest is a bigger target and its usually more open than most whitetail country.

Please don't use the term ethical in your post, if I understand the rules correctly, this isn't allowed. The same thing applies to archery as it does rifles, if you are 100% sure of your abilities and have practiced at equivalent or greater ranges, then it is perfectly ethical to take the shot. With todays equipment, a 60 yard archery shot is similar to a 600 yard rifle shot. Also remember that alot of the target archery (paper not foam) tournaments have 60 yard shooting involved.
Nice to see another Ethical bowhunter...

Took this buck at 19 yards with 64 lb Custom long bow...



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Nice buck! Now that is awesome to get 19yds. from an antelope with a stick and a string!!! /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif Nicely done.
I would not have believed this if I had not ben their retrieveing arrows and takeing pics.
It took a couple of shots to get used to conditions but Curt got preaty consistant at spanking prairie dogs @ 50 yards with his bow....I even got one with a few tries.
We could get shots closer than 50 yards but the little buggers would duck the string.50 yards seam to work best as they would be back up when the arrow got there!
Trust me Steekie goghers are a real challange /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif

I think most people shoot at 20 yrds. I know guys that are archers to the tenth degree, One has killed a moose at 60 yrds. My thing is 20-25 yrds but I am confident out to 70 yrds if it is the best broad side shot. My bow site is set by seed of the bow , then you regulate it at 20 yrdsand it is on at 50-70 what ever you adjust or slide the pin to.
I have checked and shot it many time to see if it was so.

I am not gonna get in an argument with you. I have taught shooting sports and will continue to teach "ethics" and being ethical. I agree with you, if you practice and shoot to your own abilities and know without doubt you can make the shot, the more power to you.

I see to many people in the hunting world treating "ethics" to lightly. I believe we as hunters and sportsman have to be as ethical as possible with the growing number of Anti's out there.

I will not drop the use of the word. For I think that everytime I pull that trigger and take a life, I am making a conscious decision and have to be as ethical as I can and shoot to my abilities. If you and other hunters shoot to your abilities, weather 19 yards or 700 yards, you are still being "ethical" if it is within your range of comfort.


Let me try. Not a great pic. But fantastic country. A bowhunting section! Awesome!

Seems long range is debated as much (if not more) with a bow as it is with a rifle. I have bow kills ranging from 10 feet to 74.5 yards. Like some of the longer rifle shots on this forum, 75 yards with my bow is not a stunt. It is in fact a high percentage shot for me, given good conditions. I know, I shoot that far and further constantly.

The issue, as I see it, is not wether I can put the arrow where it needs to be at long range (I can). But, wether the animal will still be there when the arrow arrives. This is what I base my decision to shoot or not on.
I use a trophy ridge titan sight. I have the ranges on my tape and I "dial in" just like my tactical scope. I also use TAP (the archery program) to build and print my sight tape on avery labels. You need to take a few measurements then sight in a 2 different distances. If you sight in at 20 and 40 yards you are accurate past 50. If you sight in 20 and 60 you are accurate out to 80 yards. I'm NOT saying that you should hunt at these ranges just talking about the equipment. I wish it was as easy with my rifles.

There are guys who take game over 100 yards with a bow.
I'm comfortable taking game at 50. The biggest issues with bow and arrow are obstacles to deflect your shot and alert game. I would rather shoot at 50 yards at a relaxed animal than 30 at a skittish one.
There is another really cool toy called a Hooter Shooter" and it cost sobut $1800. It hold your bow and enables you to sight your bow in at riduculous ranges. Barring wind, it puts you arrows in groups like a olympic archer. Even at 100 yards.
I love this, I am so glad we started this sub-forum

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My experience has been this: an animal inside thirty yards will react violently to the sound of a shot. Doesn't help him. At fourty and fifty, they usually flinch like they were stung by a bee. This is an area one needs to be choosey with shots. Further than that and they usually just look. In fact, it's almost like calling them to stop them.

Further, if an animals busts you inside thirty yards he explodes. Of course every step closer you take exponentially increases the odds he will see, hear or smell you. Conditions are the key. Add a bit of wind and you can't shoot far. But you can sneak close. On a quiet still morning you can't sneak close. But, you can pull up at sixty or so and make a clean shot. Ideally one should be able to do both. And recognise when.

Thanks for the new sections!!!!!
I wasn't trying to get into an arguement. I was just trying to point out that the rules of the board should/do apply to archery like they do firearms (but that is up to Len or the moderator). I agree with you that ethics is a big deal in our sport of hunting and we should always be ethical. Personally, I used to be pretty darn good with a bow and would have been comfortable out to 40 or so yards (I shoot barebow). Now I don't shoot as much and I would have a hard time justifying a shot past 25 yards, so I'm no long range bowhunter myself.

I was just trying to nip the ethics of long bow shots in the bud before anything got out of hand.
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