Nothin' I like better than a challenge!
Next week I go a mile.
Then I think I upgrade to some solids to go beyond that.
Gonna be a fun ride.
If a 375 CT can do it, a 375 AM certainly will!
If that shooter can do it from that crooked position me things this old man has a chance
Wonder how the boys over on the HIDE would react to this. In all honesty, they would probably all have wet spots in their pant but if you post a three shot group over there, they will BAN you!!!
Good for a giggle though.
Certainly unique shooting anything to 2 miles or more. To each his own I guess. I preferred a 120mm for that range. It's a little too close for a 155 for the ooooohhhh factor. Again, to each his own.
Kirby.... You can launch a 308 pill that far if you put enough arc in it. Hitting something consistently, I don't think so.
Won't a platry .22 pill travel that far if unimpeded?
That get's them to 3650 yds just before going transonic.
To some there is training value with shooting a projectile to the extent of a stable ballistic profile. At times precision may not be the goal but rather learning from the effects of multiple environment conditions and hit probability, even though low, all while under changing conditions. If this is a goal the sure way to confirm is to shoot it. In this case no doubt consistency is difficult if not impractical and hit probability will be low.
As such, I personally would not choose a similar ballistics capable cartridge for this type of range experience. Too expensive for me for the training value and too difficult to verify impacts. I'll stick to my 308 and 1400 yards for this purpose. Both to me would have similar training value, one is just more conducive. And for others, to each his own.